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Louis arrived and knocked on the door gently with his free hand- his other had a bag occupying it. Niall answered and happily let Louis in..

"He's up in his room, been laid down for a bit now"

"You're such a good friend to him, Niall" Louis smiled softly and patted Niall's shoulder before heading towards the stairs, to go up to Harry's room.

"Hey, babe?" he mumbled as he cracked open Harry's door.

Harry was laying in his bed, in a big green sweater, the blanket all tangled around him, and a movie playing on the TV.

"Aw, hi, love" Louis stepped in fully and Harry smiled a little

Harry was so excited to see Louis.. but he hated lying to him. 

"Hi, lou" he responded quietly

"How ya feel?" 

"Tired" that was all Harry said. He couldn't drag out a lie for forever... at least tired was accurate.

"I got you a couple things, ya know" Louis grinned and sat on the edge of Harry's bed.

First, Louis pulled a stuffed bear from the bag.

Then a new head scarf.

A little bag of gummy sweets.

And a necklace.

"Babe, you shouldn't have spent so much money on me" Harry whimpered as he seen the four new items 

"I wanted to. Plus, you deserve it, Haz"

Harry couldn't help himself, he sat up and leanedd forwards. He kissed Louis hard and slow and Louis smiled back against his lips.

"Thank you" Harry sighed

"Of course.. just.. don't shut me out, okay?" Louis asked softly

Harry frowned at that.

He felt like Louis knew something more was going on.

He felt so guilty

"C-Can you get Niall, please?" Harry whispered, his voice breaking at first

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