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Louis walked into art with a confused look on his face. He'd been thinking hard all morning. Harry didn't show up in English, which he thought was a good thing, then he realized that Zayn was late to school. And that just bothered him. And thoughts of yesterday were spiraling through his mind- Like how Niall Horan and Zayn hugged and apparently hung out. But Niall was friends with Harry. And Harry hated Louis. And Aiden Grimshaw was drawing Louis in art class. And Niall Horan was mad yesterday and needed to talk to Zayn.

So much was going on in his mind. He didn't know what to think about it all.

So, when he sat down in art, he expected Zayn to be there next to him. But he wasn't. Infact, Zayn was 15 minutes late. And he was grinning like a fool.

"Zayn, what's going on with you? You're never late to school- or art class! You're always early! You're friends with people I don't know- and you never tell me about them! Are we not as close- Did I do something?" Louis rambles on quietly, trying not to disrupt the rest of the clas

"I'm sorry. I was late to school because I had to go pick up Niall. My friend Niall. My crush Niall? My kind of boyfriend but I haven't asked yet Niall. I kissed him though, and we went on a date. Louis, we are close, I promise, I've just been kind of confused. You didn't do anything wrong" Zayn explained, also all in one breath

"And where were you for 15 minutes of your favorite- most important- class?" Louis asked

"With Niall. In the bathroom. We got caught up, talking." Zayn answers, slower this time

* * *

Harry slept through his alarm. He received no texts from Niall. And when he asked his mom if he could just stay home, she said yes. She even left him money so he could order pizza if he got hungry.

So, he got to avoid anymore fights with Louis Tomlinson.
He got to miss out on awkward lunch table conversations.
He didn't have to pretend to be tough.

One thing that really bugged him though... was never getting a text or a call from Niall.

The blonde didn't even check on him. And normally they get on the bus together.

* * * 

Niall walked out of the bathroom grinning like an idiot. His lips felt stained from Zayn's soft ones, and he was so happy about it. They shared a few soft kisses while planning for Zayn to come to his footie game. 

And when he got to his next class, he sat next to Jordan and started to gossip... and by the end of Niall's explaining of everything that happened between him and the black haired boy, Jordan had a question about something else.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he suddenly got shy

"What's up?" Niall asks, still smiling because Zayn was on his mind

"I was talking to Harry at lunch... and I don't know, I was hoping you could give me his number?"


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