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little time skip

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Niall ran across the field, ball right infront of his feet, kicking it as best he could and not tripping on it, then he raised his foot and kicked as hard as he could... and it soared past the goalie and right into the net.

"YES!" Niall cheered

His team mates came to cheer around him and congratulate him. Even if it was just practice, they were still very enthusiastic. 

Niall turned to look at the bleachers... and this time, Zayn didn't have his nose in a sketchbook. He was looking right at Niall, smiling big, and clapping.

Niall's smile only grew upon seeing the boy cheering for him in the stands.

His mind immediately wandered to seeing Zayn cheering for him at games, then running down to the field to kiss him as congratulations.

"Horan! Great goal! Great kick! Head off to the locker room early, kid." the coach shouted

"Thanks, Coach! See you tomorrow for the game!" Niall called back

Then he was off, running down to the locker room at the end of the field. He glanced back and seen Zayn slinging his bag over his shoulder and heading down the bleacher steps.

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After quickly rinsing off and changing, Niall exited the locker room and Zayn was stood outside of it, waiting on him.

"Hey! You did so good" Zayn said immediately and wrapped his arms around Niall's shoulders

Niall hugged him back and grinned wide.

"Thanks, Zayn" he laughed softly

When Zayn pulled away, he hesitated for a second then actually took an appropriate amount of steps back, instead of keeping his arms around the shorter boy.

"So- uh, want to get food while we talk?" Niall offers

"Yeah, sure. I drove, by the way" 

"Awesome. Can I toss my bag in the back?" Niall asked, refering to his duffle

"Of course. Come on"

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When they reached a gas stop diner, they went in and found out that they order the same thing- which is a chicken basket with chips and vinegar, and a cola.

Secretly, Niall felt like this was a date... and so did Zayn...

They sat down once they got their food and Niall began the actual conversaion that they were there for in the first place.

"So, how are we going to get the enemies to be friends?" he asked

"So, I was thinking, you throw parties, right?" Zayn asked as he popped a chip into his mouth

"Yeah, got one this Saturday. You should come." Niall nodded and sipped his drink

"Sure thing, I'll be there... and I could bring Louis, if you bring Harry"

"Yeah, that'll work. Does Louis drink?"

"Yep, does Harry?"

"yeah.. so..?" Niall stops talking, not knowing where to go with this now..

"They love competing, right?" Zayn suddenly asks

"Yeah" Niall nods, still a little confused

"Drinking contest!" Zayn exclaims

"So... we're gonna get them drunk? Won't they just fight more?" 

"Well, if they start the drinking, they'll start getting funny and laugh-y. Does harry get like that?"

"Yeah, he gets really giggly."

"So does Louis! So, maybe, once they're tipsy- maybe not drunk- then we could all sit down and come up with a good topic, that they can't possibly fight over"

"So, get our friends tipsy then sit down and try for a nice conversation"

"Precicely" Zayn nods

"Maybe it's not 100% but... we could try" Niall agrees

"Now, enough about them, let's talk about you" Zayn grins, now being flirty since 'business' is over

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