Chapter 3

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Picture of Emma's car is above.

Emma's P.o.v

I walked up the front on my drive way and onto my porch. I was just about to unlock the door when I heard a large crash sound "BOOM!" The noise made me hurry up with my keys.

When they finally worked I ran inside to see what happened. My father stood there next to a broken lamp. Did he really just throw a perfectly good lamp across the room! Its not like he is going to pay to replace it, that job would go to me. "What the hell!" I yelled loudly letting my temper get to me. Except the second those three words came out of my mouth I regretted it.

His head whipped to face me quickly with his big angry blue eyes and said "what did u just say you little brat?" he said in a slow calm voice but I knew it was fake. I shook my head at him knowing that he was clearly drunk. And that was when the worst things happen. When he is fully drunk he has no morals, he just does what ever he wants. At least when he isn't drunk he isn't as bad.

Don't get me wrong he is an abusive, lazy, waist of space on this planet but he has his moments when he is not full satin. Rarely but it does happen.

"N..nothing" I stuttered not knowing what he would do since I spoke out to him. Lets just say he is not a fan of when I do that. I stuttered not out of pure fear, cause I was a little scared of the consequences of my words but also to show him I was scared. Its some control thing with him, and if it keeps me semi safe and fine.

He walked towards me raising his hand about to hit me when all the sudden he just fell. He was out cold.

Wow I guess he drank a little too much, well he always drinks too much. At least he passed out before he could do any real harm. Not knowing what to do with him I just decided to not do anything. I would rather not touch or help the monster.

So instead I walked upstairs. The first thing I did when i got into my room was look at my alarm clock which read 6:24pm. I still had an hour before I had to be there and since it was only a 5 minute drive so I didn't need to worry about being late.

But I don't have anything else to do so I might as well start to get ready for the fight. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some plain black yoga pants, a matching sports bra, and a simple long black shirt.

I then walked to the bathroom and put my hair into a high bun and got dressed. One of the main things about me fighting is that everyone thinks I'm a guy. Which is honestly crazy. Why they all think this is beyond me.

I guess they cant except a girl can beat that many guys. I mean some girls try and fight but they always ask for the easy guys and still get beaten. Sad that those girls are what every girl is thought to be like. Not all girls are weak and cant win.

Its true that I wear a hood and mask to cover my face but the audience can still see my body. Its pretty obvious if you actually look at me but I guess not. Maybe they are all focused on how much ass I kick. Plus from what I've heard people don't really think girls can fight.

What a bunch of BS. Like what are we living in the 60s? Girls can do anything guys can, if not better. I mean just look at me. I've beaten more men than I can count, not only did I beat them till they were almost dead but many have them have actually cried and begged for mercy. Of course when they do that it only makes me more angry.

These men think they are unstoppable when they are no where near it. They are not some superman who can fly. Its not real, and any guy who thinks they can beat me is dead wrong.

Has any guy seen what us girls have to deal with? I would love to see them spend a day in my life, I guarantee you that they would want to die after the first few hours.

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