Chapter 7

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~Emma's pov. ~

When Luke said that if he ran away one would notice I saw true sadness in his eyes. I wanted to ask questions but I decided to let it go. 

We started to walk towards the door. Luke unlocked it and opened it so I could go in first. "Thanks" I said softly. 

"Mom, dad I'm home and me and my friend are going to work on a project for school!" He yelled out, we waited for a response but after a few seconds he just said "come on, they are probably busy" as if it meant nothing to him. 

He started to walk up a huge staircases and I was forced to follow. When I stepped on the last step I tripped and fell,

"Ow" I said in pain. He turned around and helped me up. I was surprised and was expecting him to laugh but it never came. 

He just smiled and I said "thanks" 

"No problem" he replied, but when he turned around to walk I heard him chuckle to himself. 

I couldn't help but smile too. 

He turned and opened a door that I am guessing is him room. His room was a dark blue with a big window a plan bed with a black fluffy blanket with matching pillows in a corner there was a desk with a laptop and a mess of papers and a black guitar, on one of the wall there was a door that I think leads to a bathroom, there were also a big walk in closet. 

"Nice room" I said as I walked in setting my backpack down at the end of his bed then I walked over to his guitar and picked it up. 

"Thanks, do you play?" He asked pointing to the guitar well putting his backpack next to mine. 

"A little" I lied I new more the a little my mom and I used to play together and sing all the time, well be for she died in a car crash. 

"How?" He asked. 

I thought for a second not knowing what to say, I wanted to tell him everything, I just felt that I could trust him but I desired to cut my story short and just said "My mom." And be for he could say anything I started to play the song me and my mom wrote together, before, well you know. 

As I played I started to get lost in the music and started to hum remembering how me and my mother staid up for hours trying to come up with the next verse of the song. I couldn't help but smile, as i teared up I stopped.  Remembering coming home from school ready to finish the song, but when I came home my mom was not there.

She had died just a few minutes before I got home. 

Luke rushed over to me. 

"What's wrong?" 

I looked up at him trying not to burst out in tears. But I couldn't all the sudden I dropped the guitar on the floor and started to ball my eyes out on Luke's chest. I didn't even care if he was uncomfortable, even if I tried I couldn't stop crying! 

"I..I.I'm sorry" I said in between tears. 

"Its okay..." he said softly, he just sat there and hugged me and let me cry. After what seemed like forever  I sat up and wiped my tears off. As i sat i realized what i had just done. 

I just cried in front of one of my high school bullies. Crap. What the hell was i thinking?! 

I shouldn't have even said anything, i'm so stupid. I know better. 

Don't show emotion. Don't give anyone reason to look into what i do. 

And letting the 'bad boy' hear my sob story and see me crack could hurt my whole school persona. 

I cleared my throat and stood up. 

"Would you mind if I used your restroom?" I asked trying to cover any emotion. As if i didn't just show any just seconds ago. 

"Yeah of course" he said I sat up straighter and pointed to a closed door over across the room. I just nodded and walked over to it. 

When inside I closed the door and just washed my face off. 

God what have i done.

When I was done I walked out to see Luke sitting there looking at me with a concerned face. I couldn't really tell if it was real or fake. I don't know why i thought i could trust him earlier, making i was going insane for a second. But the normal me is back, and she knows better. 

"Sorry about that, I usually don't do that" i said slowly, treading carefully, he just nodded not saying anything. I looked away and saw from his alarm clock it was '5:28.' 


I looked over at him, "It's getting late I should get home, do you want to start tomorrow instead?" 

"Yeah of course," he stood up grabbing his car keys, "and the way that song was really good" 

I of course was caught off guard by this comment. I could feel by checks heating up but pushed my emotions down. No need to share anymore of my feelings. 

"Ill  give you a ride, its getting dark" he said starting to walk to the door.

"No that's alright, i can walk" I said a little to quick thinking of my father.

"Please?" he replied.

My house is pretty far... Plus my father is probably drunk and passed out. 

I sighed and replied.



About 10 minutes later we turned on my street. 

"Alright, my house is right there" i said pointing to the house that had the front porch lights on, shit my dad must be awake! 

"Goodnight Emma" he said stopping the car.

I almost didn't hear him due to the pounding in my ears and chest. 

I opened the door quickly.

"Thanks, goodnight" i say as i close the door quickly and start my way to the front door.

Even if i am a strong and brave fighter, honestly my father still scares me. How could he not. 

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked in. He was standing there waiting for me. 

He probably saw me get out of Luke's car. 


Before I could do or say anything he grabbed me and threw me across the room. 

There was a insanely loud crash. 

Which was in fact me hitting the brink wall and then dropping into the glass table, which was extremely painful.

As my head made first  I hit the wall and then the glass i could feel the dripping of blood all over me. 

I could feel the pain throughout my whole body, but the most pain came from my head. 

The pressure was becoming unbearable, i then started to see black spots, which i knew as a sign. I was about to pass out.

Just as the blackness was taking over and i felt my body giving in to the darkness, I saw Luke.

He had busted through the door. His gaze was on me and from the seconds we had eye contact i could see concern and pure anger. 

He ran strongly to my father and punched him so hard, i could see his head whip back. He was knocked out cold. 

If i wasn't about to pass out and had a clear head space i might of found that impressive. 

He ran over to me, calling my name but not before my eyes slowly shut.

Leaving me alone in the darkness. 

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