Chapter 23: Please Wake Up

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Luke's P.O.V

The ambulance pulls up to the hospital . The doors swing open and the medics grab Emma's rolling bed and start to take her out quickly. Once she's out they start to run her to the front door. I chase after her, not wanting to lose her.

Doctors come running and pulling her down the hallway. I'm next to her holding her hand tight. I have to let go because they bring her in a room that I guess I'm not aloud in. A woman walks up to me, the same girl that asked me to set with Emma in the ambulance. "Hello, I'm Dr.Jen. What's yours?" She asks politely. My thoughts are all over the place. "Um, Lu..Luke Stella" I studer. All I can think out is Emma! "Okay Luke, who is that girl?" She asks pointing to the big white doors were the doctors just took Emma. "Emma, Emma Taylor" I say softly. She looks at me and then at her clipboard and wright's something down. "Okay, do you know what happened?" She asked looking at me again. "Ya me and her got in a fight at school and she drove off, I was driving after her, I wanted to apologise. But then her car swerved and she crashed in the water. I stoped and jumped in after her." I said choking out. Still looking at the doors, I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe this happened, and all because of me.

The Dr nodded and took a deep breath well writing something down. "Luke you can set in the waiting room, I well check up on you in a little to let you know how Emma is." And with that she turned and walked away. I looked around and saw a sine that said waiting room. As much as I wanted to stay and wait outside the doors, I know that I should do as the Dr says. I walked down the hall. I turned the corner to see a bunch of chairs and people, waiting. I took a seat in the back and rest my head on the wall. I looked around to see a guy walking over to me with a towel and some clothes. He stoped in fount of me. "Hello, I'm Nathan. Dr. Jen told me to give you these." He said handing me the clothes. It was a pair of sweet pants, boxers, a plan black T- shirt and some white socks. I got up and nodded at him.

I looked around and saw a sine for the bathrooms. As I made my way to the door that said "Men" my shoes squeaked. I hate water being in your shoes, it just feels, wrong. I walked through the door and walked into the biger stall. I striped and started to put on the dry clothes. As I slipped on the socks I desited not to wear my shoes. I left the stall and grabbed a few paper towels and started to dry my hair. My hair was all messy but I didn't care. I walked out with my soaking wet clothes in my hand and my shoes in the other. As I mad my way to my seat I got some wired glances from people, but I just ignored them.

I sat down and took my phone out from my wet jeans pocket. I dried it off and tried to turn it on. The screen went bright. I smiled, I can't believe my phone still works after I dove into water. Lukey for me my parents are rich and bought me a water proof phone. Because knowing me I would have dropped in into water. I tiyped in my password and taped on phone call. I scrolled through my contacts tell I came to Marija's name. I pressed call. After 3 rings she picked up. "Yellow" She said in a Funny voice. "Marija, it's Luke. Its about Emma" I said in a ruff voice. There was a pause of silence. "What happened?" She asked in a scared low voice. I took a deep breath. "Were at the Ridgewood hostile, come as soon as you can. All explain everything when you get here" I said, and not letting her say anything I hung up.

I felt a little tired and slowly started to close my eyes, and drifted to sleep.
Emma ran out of the lunch room crying. It broke my heart, I couldn't handle it. I stood up and ran after her.

Then she was driving across the bridge. When the car swerved and her car went flying off the side of the bridge. I could hear her loud scream. She's Scared.

I shot up from my seat to see marija with concern in her eyes. She put her hand on my shoulder. "You okay?, were's Emma?" I looked up at her, trying to adjust my eyes to the bright hosptle lights. "She's in..surgry" I said looking down. My thoughts were thinking of the nightmare, or memory I guess. Marija Sat down in the chair next to me. "What happened?" She asked worry in her voice. "We um, had a fight at school and she ran off crying, then drove off. I was driving after her, I wanted to apologise But then, she um, swerved and fell off the bridge." I said softly. I felt a tear going down My check. I never really cry, but this is different. "Oh my gosh. Well don't worry I'm shore she well be fine" She said patting my shoulder.

The Dr. Jen walked up to us. "Hello again, I just wanted to let you know Emma just finished her surgery and in about 5 minutes you can go see her." She said sweetly. I nodded and looked at marija. "I'm here for Emma to, May I go see her as well?" Marija asked vary kindly. The Docker looked at marija and smiled. "Oh course. Should I contact anyone else in the family. You know like parents?" She asked looking right at me. "No, it's fine. Her mom is dead and her dad is in j....," I took a deap breath "not in her life anymore" I said she looked at me with pitty and nodded. "Well I think it's been 5 minutes she is in room 3B." And with that she turned around and walked away.

Me and marija smiled and got up and started to make are way to Emma's room. When we finally made it we opened the door. The room was completely white and had a small flat screen tv with a window, which was closed. We walled into the room to see a stitched up Emma sitting in the white bed. She had stitches above her eyebrow, on the side of her check and on her forehead. She had a few cuts on her arms and on her lip. Her face was pall. I felt a pit in my stomach. I did this to her. I took a step closer to Emma and moved a strand of hair in her face. I could hear her small quiet breaths. I could feel marija put her hand on my shoulder. "Its okay, she'll be fine" I took a deep breath. There was a chair next to Emma so I sat down and held her hand tight. Marija took a deep breath, as she read something on her phone. "I have to go, but I well check up on you in the morning. Besides it's getting late. Its like 7:30pm." She said giving me a small smile. "K" is all I said not taking my eyes off Emma. I could hear marija leave. Shutting the door behind her. "I'm sooooooo sorry Emma. I had to say that because of Ryan. You see I found out it was him who kidnapped you and I wanted to tell you. Its just he threatened you. I didn't want to see you get hurt again. I should have never said that to you." I said sadly. "Please, Emma, you have to wake up. You have to be fine." I said I would feel a tear.

All the sudden I felt a small squeeze on my hand. And it wasn't me. I stoped crying and looked at Emma's hand shocked. Then I looked at her. Her eyes were slowly opening. "Emma" I whispered. "I, for.. give yo..u" She choked out. Her voice was ruff. It brook my heart. I'm just glade she is okay.

I sat up with a huge smile on my face. "I'm so glade your okay" I said. I'm so happy she is okay. "I love you" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you.. t..o" She said in a wisper before closing her eyes and then the worst sound came.

1528 words
Hello all my awesome reader's!!!! Thank you so much for reading! I was soo happy when I saw I had more then 9K! Thank you sooooooo much! Anyway Hope you liked the chapter. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think.

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