Chapter 27: Fate

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Luke's dorm above ⬆⬆⬆
Lukes P.O.V

Today is the day. Last Night me and Marija went out and just talked. It was nice to just, you know, talk. When I got home I got ready for bed. Now it's morning and I've got a busy day ahead. I have to take a shower since I didn't take one last night, I have to pack my things and move. Thats right I'm finally moving out, And to collage! I couldn't be happier. Well that's not true, if Emma was here it would be perfect.

I stood up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water and let it heat up. Once it was at the perfect heat, I got in and put in some shampoo. Next I scrubbed my body and washed all the soap off. I turned off the water and wrapped a blue towel around my waist. I walked back to my closet and grabbed some boxers, a pear of plan blue jeans and a blue T shirt. I dried my hair and brushed it. My stumich growled at me. "Ohh, I'm sooo hungry " I groned to myself. I walked out of my room and down the stirs to get something to eat. I walked to the fridge and opened it. There was melk,eggs, a few other things. Nothing looked good though. Then a thought apered. I picked up my phone and dild the number. "Hello, Sally's Dinner" the voice answered. "Hey, I'd like to order a stuffed French toast with strawberrys and a side of eggs, scrambled. " I said nicely. I like Sally's French toast, and I LOVE her stuffed French toast, it's like heven in your month. "Okay, name and address please?" They asked vary nicely. "Luke Stella and 3782 Coconut Drive" I smiled at my street name. I mean who would name a street 'Coconut Drive'? Just saying. "Okay,it should be about 30 minutes and the total is 15.36$" "okay,thank you" and then I hung up. I walled back up stires and into my room. I looked around. "Looks like if got a lot to do" I said gumpy. I started by taking out my suit cases and opning it on my bed. I begin taking everything out of my closet and dresser. Witch was a lot. Just for clothes and shoes we're 3 suit casses. Good thing I'm rich. I put the full suitcases in the hallway and started on the object's around my room, like posters, books, pitcher's things like that. That took two big suitcases. I was tied already and hungry, then the door bell rang. "Finally " I grouned as I ran down the stires. I opened the door and a boy around 20 was standing there with a big bag in his arms. "Luke Stella?" He asked looking at me. "Yep, here is the money" I said taking out a 20$ bill. He handed me the food and begin to take out my change. "Keep the change" I said with a smile. "Thanks man, have a good day" he smiled before walking away. I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I opened the bag and a wave of yummy food hit my nose. I opened the book to see my glories food. I could feel my mouth watering. It looked sooooooo good. I grabbed a silver fork from a kitchen drawer. Once I was done eating I through away the trash and walked back up the stairs. After making shore I had everything I needed I had 5 suit cases. I laughed to my self.

All the sudden there was a loud bang on the door. "Coming!" I yelled loudly as I ran down the stairs. I opened the door to see marija. "Hey, come on in" I said politely. "Thanks, ready to go." She said with a big eval smile, as if she was hidding something. "Um ya. Could you help me bring down the suit cases?" I asked already heading up the stairs. "Shore but when we get to Harvard I want you to I meet my friend" she said following being me. "lession I'm not ready to move on from Emma, she was my first true love." I said looking down as I grabed two suit cases. "I know I just want you to meet her" she siyed. Something's off about her.

Time skipped to at Harvard

The drive was supper long and supper boring, me and marija barely talked I just lessened to music most of the time. I'm now in my new room at Harvard. The room even came with a desk and chair. Marija was nice enough to put I piano in my room. I don't play the piano so I don't know why she got it. She said Emma liked to play and that she wanted me to learn. Marija already left but she said she would come back latter. I was now unpacking my clothes. I already made my bed and set up my posters and books and things like that. I have to say the room is pretty cute. I don't have a roommate tho so there is only one bed and one closet. But I like it that way. I was sorting my socks when there was a small knock at the door. It must be marija. "Hold on marija give me a second" I shouted standing up from my bed. I probably look like a mess since I've been cleaning for the past 3 hours. I walked over to the door and opened it, only to see someone I thought I would never see again.

1002 words
Hey readers! Guess who's back? Sorry the chapter was so short, anyway please vote and comment. By the way 40K readers thank you guys so much! You have no idea how happy that makes me!

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