Chapter 17: Starting To Remembering

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The picture above is what Emma wears to the gym. I desited to update a little early anyway injoy the chapter!
Emma's P.O.V

My hands were sweaty, I was panting, and I was tired. I was running though a white hall way. It looked like the place I was taken when I was being kidnapped.

"Emma You can't run forever" yelled a guy's voice, he was getting closer. I suddenly got scared. I turned a corner hoping to find a exit but I smashed into someone causing me to fall. It was a young girl. I recognised her she was the one who kept leading me in circles! She punched me knocking me out.

I screamed as I sat up fast. I breathed fast. I looked around noticing I was in Luke's room. I suddenly remembered last night and how Luke did nit look me me, and his he slept with his arm around me. I looked to the side and saw that Luke was not there. All the sudden Luke busted through the door like hulk. "What's wrong?!" He yelled running over to me. I just gave him a confused look. "What?" I asked "you screamed, I Heard it all the way from the kitchen and I ran up here to see if you were okay." He said fast wanting me to talk. He must be talking about when I woke up. "Luke," I paused trying to think if I should tell him. "I.I think that I have, memory loss. I was there for 2 weeks and I only remember the last day" I said softly. Trying to think back to the nightmare. He moved my head to look at him in the eyes. Even when I was looking at him his hands didn't move they moved to my check. He started to move in a little looking at my lips. I looked at his lips then back at his eyes. I started to move in closer. Are noses were touching when all the sudden someone yelled walking in "Luke, were home!" Me and him jolted back. A lady in her late 30s walked in, she must have been his mom. I looked at him. He had a shocked and a small blush forming on his face. "He..hey mom" he said standing up giving her a small hug. "I should, um go" I said standing up about to walk out. "No" "yes" Luke said no and his mom said yes at the same time. They shout each other with death glares. "Sweety, I just got home and I was looking forward to spending some family time with my son, who I love vary much, I hope you can understand" the lady said rudely. Luke made a fake lagph making his mom shoot him a glare. "Mom can we talk, now!" He yelled pulling his mom to the other side of the room. They would be gone for at least a few minutes, but by the time they came back I would be gone. I rushed out the door. Running to Luke's car. I didn't have his keys so I hot wired it. I drove off spending down the road, heading to Marija's gym. When I got To the the I parked around ran to the door. I opened it seeing no one. Marija must be out. I might as well wait. I walked to the dressing room and grabbed some yoga pants and a black tank to that I leave her for training. Once I was done getting dressed I went to the treadmill to run a little after 30 minutes I went to my favorite thing. The punching bag. Right kick, left kick, right punch, left punch. After 1 hour of that the punching back was on the ground. I hit it to hard I guess. Marija was still not here. "Were the hell are you marija?" I said to myself. "Emma?" I heard a voice I loved the sound of hearing. It was marija! "Marija thank God!" I yelled running to her giving her a big hug. She hugged me back tighter. "Are you okay, me and Luke have been looking everywhere! Wait dose Luke know your okay?" She asked. "Wait what, I saw Luke first I just escaped last night. Luke said he was not looking for me, well he didn't say that exactly, but when I asked he didn't say anything" I said panting from my work out. Why would Luke lie? "Oh, he must be scared to tell you," she said softly, mostly to her self. "Tell me what?!" I asked confused. "Well if Luke won't tell you I well, Luke knows who you are and what you do, like fighting and how you've made MANY gangs mad." She said. Wait so he was scared to tell me he knows my secret? "Wait who told him?" I asked confused not really thinking. "Me" She said softly. "Wait what,why I didn't want him to get involved in my past! " I yelled, starting to get angry that she told him. If he ever found out I wanted it to be from me. "Well I'm sorry but he needed to know because You may have been kidnapped by one of them." She said in a dumb voice. "Acutely, who did kidnap you? I mean you were gone for 2 weeks so?" She asked interested. "That's the thing I don't remember, all I remember is being put in a van, darkness and I woke up in a dark room with some guy. " I said getting mad at the thought at what could have happened in those 2 weeks. She looked at me wide eyed, "you don't remember anything?!" She yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yep" I said board. "Omg What if they come after you again, I'm guessing they didn't just let you walk out of there. We should practice," she said I nodded in agreement. "That includes Luke, they might come after him to" She said calmly. She thought that whoever these people are would go after Luke to? I nodded to that to. Better to be safe than sorry. But if anyone touches a hair on Luke's head I well rip them to shreds. I am the Panther after all. I have beaten the most terrifying gangs in the world. But would they be some dumb as to try and kidnap me,again.
1122 words
Hello Eveyone, hope you liked the chapter. I'm bringing back my best friend Marija! I made it a little longer than usual because someone commented asking for longer chapter's :-)
Anyway please vote and comment to let me know what you think.
I well update next Munday! Also thank you everyone that votes and comments, I appreciate it.

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