Cahpter 12: Where Did She Go?

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Luke's pov.
I walked out side of the hospital to take a breath from Emma. Just then someone called. I took out my phone "ding, ding, ding" I looked at who was calling. It was Ryan, of course. "Hello" "hey man, where are you?" "At the hospital? " "omg what happened, was it Your fight! Why didn't anyone call me!?!?" "No,no,no not me emma" "who?" I took a breath "the girl you bully for no reason.." "oh.... wait, what, why are you helping that?" "I just wanted to help" I said softly. "Are you doing voluntary service, I mean you have to if you even want to help that b***h"Don't call her that!" I yelled be for he could say anything I said "I have to go" and hung up.

I can't belive he said that about her? Why would he do that. What did she ever do to him! I looked up at the sky and took a deep long breath. I desited that I should go check up on Emma. I walked inside I walked to her room 206 and opened the door only to see that there was no one in the bed or anywhere in the room! I ran to the front desk. "Exuse me where did pashint 206 Emma Taylor go? She was there a minute ago?" She looked up and smiled she just replayed and said "let me check" she started clicking thing on her computer. "She would be in room 206" She said calmly. "But she's not!" I just looked. "Oh my, oh my goodness." She grabbed a Mike. "Missing pashint, room 206!" A few doctors ran to her room. I ran out side. What happened to her? I walked back inside. "May I see the video recording of the last 20 minutes" "shore deer" She said moving the computer my way (time 12:51) I saw a girl walking with her head down, it looked just like emma. It showed her walking out, into the front if the hospital and down the street to her house I am guessing. "Thank you!" I said running out the door.

I ran the same way Emma walked. I was about a few minutes away from her house when on the sidewalk was her phone, cracked. "What the hell.." I grabbed it to see it was dead. I looked around to see the house in front of the sidewalk had cameras. The car was in the drive way. I hope someone is home. I ran to the door and knocked. What the hell am I doing? The opened and a woman stood there. "Can I help you?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Maybe, my friend was walking home and I just found her phone on the sidewalk cracked and I was wounding if you know what happened to her" I said in a just as sweet voice as her. "Um, I did nit see anything, I was cooking lunch, but I have cameras?" She asked in a confused and consurned "Please" I begged "okay hold on, stay here" I waited for a few minutes wondering what happened to Emma. The woman came out and handed me a phone, I'm guessing it was her phone."here you go" I took it "thank you" I said with a smile I looked at the phone it had raglear stuff like runners and cars, things like that. Then a girl was walking, I'm guessing Emma, She was walking when this black van pulled up next to her. She stoped and looked at it. 3 vary large men came out of the car with black masks on and grabbed her. She tried to fight but she was to week from all of her wounds. They grabbed her and knocked her out throwing her in the back of the van. What the hell just happened?!?! I gave the phone to the woman and said "thanks" before running to Emma's house. Maybe there is a clue to who took her or why?. When I got to her fount door I opened it to find it was trashed, not like the night i.. found Emma but as if someone was looking for something and trashed the place in the process. I ran to her room. Not knowing witch one it was I opened all the doors. When I finally found it, it was also trashed. I looked around, it would be a nice room if it was not all messed up. I saw the closet open and walked to it. It was a walk in closet, inside were nerd looking closes and tight closes along with wraps fir fighting like the ones panther where's.

Wait.. is Emma.. the Panther?
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