Chapter 25: Prom

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Luke P.O.V

"Beep,beep,beep" my alarm went off. I turned on my other side and smacked my hand on it to shut it up. Today is going to be my first day back at school. Its been one week since the funeral. Its Monday and my mom told me that I HAD to go to school. She doesn't understand. The love of my life just died, and all she can do is talk about herself. I can't believe I'm even related to her. I stud up slowly and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the light and looked at my reflection. I had big black circles under my eyes, my hair was crazy, I was acutely a bit pale. I looked pretty bad. I striped off all my clothes and got into the shower. As the water turned warm then I put my hair in and just stud there letting the water go down My face. I grabbed my vanilla shampoo and scrubbed it in. I did my body wash and then turned off the water. I wraped a white towel around my waist and walked out. I opened my closet and grabbed a black t shirt, black jeans with a chain, my black leather jacket, my black Beni hat, and black combat boots. I went back to the bathroom after I got dressed and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my phone, backpack and the keys for my motorcycle. I walked down the stairs. "Morning sweetheart, made pancakes! " my mom said cheerfully. She feals bad because I won't talk to her because of what she said about Emma. I haven't talked to her since. I ignored her and walked out the door to the garage. It was pitch dark so I turned on the light. The lights turned on and I walked to my bike. I hoped on it and turned on the engine. I opened the garage door and rode away on my bike. I moved around cars and finely I was at school. I parked in my usual spot and turned off my engine. I got off me bike and looked around. Eveyone was looking at me. There was no talking, not even whispers. I walked to the front door. Eveyone was giving me pity eyes. I don't need there pity. I opened the doors and walked to my locker, getting many stairs. I finally got to my locker. I put in my combination and grabbed my books for class. I slammed it shut and made my way to period 1.

Time skipped to lunch

Period 1,2, and 3 went by vary slowly. All I did was seat in the back and listened to music on my phone. No one bothered me witch was good.

I walked into the cafeteria and went into the lunch line. They didn't have anything good so I just grabbed a red Apple and walled out of the line. A few people looked at me, probably because I stole a Apple, but they didn't say anything. They just kept talking to there friends. I looked around and saw Ryan just sitting there talking with his friends acting soooo incident, but I know the truth. Something must have snapped in me because I was angry and walking towards Ryan. This is not going to end well. I wanted to just leave but my body wouldn't. It was as if I couldn't control my body. Ryan looked up when I was a few feet away. He smiled but that disappeared when I was in front of him. I through my fist and it connected with his face. He went flying. There was blood rushing from his nose. The room went quiet. "Why the he'll did you do that?!" He yelled as if what I did was crazy and he had no idea why I did it. God could he be more stupid! "You son of a B***h" I said soft so only Me, him and a few people next to us could hear. The room was dead silent. Ryan tried to stand up but I pushed him down with my foot. "I well never forgive you" I said through my teeth. Ryan looked shocked at my words. As if he did nothing wrong. I turned and left the room. I was walking in the hallway when I heard music. I walked towards it. It was coming from the gym. I opened the door and saw that it was a group of girls decorating the gym. I was so confused, until I saw a sine that said "Welcome To Prom!" I closed the doors and just thought.

I remember asking Emma to prom, she said yes. I had the perfect suit picked out and a beautiful white and pink rose coresoge. I totally forgot all about prom. I can't even finish the day. I walled outside to my bike and got on. I can't just stay at school WITH Ryan in my next class, and just portend that everything is okay. Cause it's not. I'm going to make Ryan pay, no matter what. I would just kill him, but Emma would nor want that. So instead I'm going to get him put in jail for the rest of his life. I started to drive to marija's apartment. She left me the keys because she left. Being here was just to much for her. Emma was like her sister.

I finally pulled up to the apartment. I got off my bike and opened the door using the key. When I opened the door it was clean. Marija must have cleaned it before she left. I shut the door behind me and walked to the guest room. I opened the door, it was just as I left it last week for the funeral. Even the bed was still un made, just like I left it. The room still smelled like Emma. I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed the laptop. I brought it over a few days ago, incase I needed to get away from home, I would have my laptop here. I turned it on and sat on the bed. I went on line and started to search things. Like, gangs, Ryan Moon, street fighting. Anything that has to do with Ryan. After hours of searching it was already 8:47 prom has already started and hour ago. I got up and got dressed up in my tux. I grabbed my phone, Emma's corsage, and some candles. I walled out the door and onto my motorcycle and begin to drive.

I'm not going to the school tho, I'm going to the cemetery. I asked Emma to the prom, and I intend to do that. Even if it's not like prom prom. That was going to be are first date. So I'm still going to spend tonight with her just like I promised.

I pulled up to the cemetery and I walked up the hill and to Emma's grave. I set up the candles and lit them. I sat down and took a deep breath. "I know it's wired but, it's prom night and even tho your not with me physically, I know your here in spirit. " I said looking at her tumb stone. I placed the corsage on the stone and looked around. There were lights all around but no people. "I got you a corsoge, I know roses are you favorite flower so," I took a deep breath and thought about Emma.

When we fought and she won. How we were partnered up for a school project. How she tripped on the stares at my house. How I hit her dad because he has hitting her. How worried I was when she was kidnapped. When I asked her to prom. And when we kissed, it was like fireworks going off. It just felt so right, as if we were made for each other.

I felt a tear roll down My face. I felt a cold breaz. I looked around There was nothing there. There was no wind. It was strange. But I know what it was its Emma in spirit.

I took another lond deep breath before saying the 3 most truest words I have said.

"I love you"

1412 words
Hey reader's, happy Monday! So hope you liked the chapter. I wanted to make the ending touching so hope I suggested. Anyway Please vote and comment.

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