Chapter 28: "I Love You"

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Luke's P.O.V


There stood Emma, She looked shy. She was as beautiful as always. She looked paler tho almost like a goast which is what she must be. "Your not real, I'm just seeing things, ya, I'm going mettle. " I said fast to myself. I was looking down and clossing my eyes. When I looked up She was still there. "You should be dead" I said softly, not shore if I'm seeing things. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. Those eyes I've missed so much. Those eyes I just loveed to just stare into.

"Hey luke"

Emma said shyly. She blushed a light shade of pink. I just stud there in shock. I gulped and put my hand out a bit. I touched her arm and felt my hand tickle, that used to always happen when we touched but I never admitted it. Emma looked down at my hand and then back up to my face. I moved my hand to her side cheek and kept it there. "Emma?" I choked out, I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. "I can't believe this, it's you! Your not dead!-" I yelled happily. I stoped in my sentience.
"Wait, your not dead" I said slowly. How can she not be dead? I saw her dead body at the funeral, I saw her die in the hospital? "Luke, may I come in?" She said in a soft voice. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded. She walked past me with her head down, she stoped to look around, She was looking until she saw the piano. A small smile came to her face. "Emma?" I choked out. She turned around to face me. "Luke, I should explain, but first I wanted to say, I am so happy for you! You made it to collage and you graduated!" She yelled happily. Tears started rolling down her face. I walked over to her and put my hand on her cheek again whipping away some tears. "Luke I am so sorry" She choked out. "Shhhh, it's okay, your okay" I said pulling her into a bear hug. Her arms around me felt so right, Emma tightened her grip on me as if she was holding on for deer life. She pulled away slowly. I missed her body being next to mine. She walked over to my bed and sat down. I followed and waited for her to speak. "Okay so the day I 'died' in the hospital was all a lie. Ryan visited me a day before then and told me that he was going to get me when I left, and that he would ruin my life. Oh course I told Marija and she came up with a plan. I would fake my death for a month or so and well in that time I would find Ryan and his gang and get them arrested. Once I found them I had a old friend have them try and kidnap her, I called in a tip and before they could even touch her the cops came. Some got away, but I just found out that yesterday the cops found them all and arrested them, and know there spending life in jail. Once I found out I came here, to tell you I'm so sorry for making you go though this, I wanted to tell you but marija said not to, and I wanted to tell you that, um , I love you Luke" She said looking up into my eyes. Her eyes were watery. My heart melted, she loves me. "I love you to Emma" I said looking her dead in The eye. She smiled and I did the same. "Wait but what about the funeral? I saw your body, and how did you find ryan?" I asked, I know I just ruined a perfect moment to kiss her but I need to know this. "Well at the funeral marija knows a guy, he I guess, made a doll that looks just like me and feels just like me. If you ask me it is totally creepy. When I saw the doll I almost ran screaming, now for Ryan that's a bit more complicated. When I was kidnapped I couldn't remember what happened, but soon I remembered. I was mostly starved but on one day Ryan came to see me, he told me I was important because I was his sister, yep that's right, so on that paper outside my door, The secret was, I was his sister. Oh course I didn't believe it so I did research, so yes he is my step brother sadly BUT I also found out that his old house was were my mom used to leave so I had the cops check it out and shore enough that's were they were" She said proudly. I couldn't help but laugh a little. She is just to cute. I'm still a bit upset she didn't tell me about how you know she was alive but she is here now. "Was that you I kept seeing in the shadows?" I asked. "Um, ya I kind of was stalking you I guess, I just could help myself, I would go crazy with out seeing you" She said laughing a little and blushing as she looked down. "Emma?" I asked softly. She started to put her head up and I quickly pulled my face closer to hers. My lips meet hers. Her lips tasted like watermelon, they were soft and warm. It felt better than anything else. I have never felt this way about anyone in my enter life. When we finally needed to breath we pulled away a little. We rested are foreheads on each others. "Emma," I said out of breath. "Yes Luke? " she asked calmly. "Okay 1: your an awesome kisser 2: so glade your not dead and 3: can I take you out on a date?" She pulled away to look into my eyes. At first they were confused but then they softened and a big smile formed on her lips.

1055 words
Hey Eveyone, hope you liked the chapter I tried to tie up some loss ends. I'm happy she is not dead lol. Anyways Pease vote and comment.

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