| 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 |

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- alone, together -

Jumping into this fandom Hazbin the worst life decision of my life, Then again, I'm probably not gonna get a Hazbin if I continue making these dumb ass jOkes-


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After you were finished playing with the pink bundle of joy in Angel's room, You whipped downstairs, almost forgetting you were on duty. You were room service, which was kinda frustrating because you had to move up and down the damn place every second. Sometimes, perverts called you upstairs and tried to rape you, Which wasn't surprising since it is Hell. Though, they never came close to succeeding since you would probably have them laying lifeless on the floor before they could do anything. If there was nothing to do, You would normally just clean a little, manage reception, or keep Angel distracted while Charlie and Vaggie did the paperwork. 

After a quite day at work, Angel approached you again, took a seat near you, winked, then turned to look the other way. You chuckled slightly, nobody in the room besides you and Angel knew about the pet. Or so you thought. Alastor saw the disgusting display of 'affection' he put upon you. He knew what Angel was winking about, but it still made his blood boil. You and Angel seemed like two peas in a pod while with Alastor, It was only some small talk and awkward moments. It's not like you hated Alastor, Not as much as Vaggie did, but he was quite strange. 

'He's more than just fucking strange.'

Angel's arms draped over your shoulders as Alastor gracefully waltzed towards the pair. His red eyes were locked on you, and you only. Angel groaned at his appearance.

"Well, hello my dear-!" He greeted, ignoring Angel's whereabouts. "How are you this fine evening?"

Angel's hands squeezed your shoulder slightly, the pair clearly hated each  other and putting them in the same room was never really a good idea. Angel simply glared at Alastor and Alastor did the same.

You were confused.

"Oh, I'm fine! Aha..." You nervously laughed, breaking the unwanted silence growing between the three.
Alastor snapped his head around to you and smiled even wider than he normally did, you didn't even know if that was even possible.
He laughed. A imaginary light bulb floated on top of Alastor's head as he reached out to grab your hand and drag you away from Angel. The arms around your shoulders became tighter as Alastor got ahold of you, Angel knew he couldn't really protest, this was the Radio Demon after all. Someone who is feared all around Hell and had killed thousands of sinners while being here.

At this point, Lucifer himself must have feared him.

Angel watched you get dragged off with the upper demon as you simply gave him an confused look, not exactly knowing what was going on either. He had opened a door that had 'Office' written in small, golden letters on a red door. Inside was a front desk with papers and pens scatted around it, a wooden chair with a red cushion on top of it, and a few more of those creepy ass paintings. There was a coloured glass window behind the desk and chair which added some light to the room, at least. You've never really been inside here before, you've never really felt the need to be in here. He gestured for you to sit on the wooden chair, pulling it out for you to sit on it.
You muttered a 'thank you' and sat down quietly. He sat on the desk in front of you, crossed legged and all. You asked him why he had called you in here. 

He cleared his throat, "Well my dear, I was hoping that me and you could go out to see a friend of mine tomorrow, She's a wonderful singer!" He gave a weird, nervous chuckle at the end of his sentence. 'Going out' with a weird, red psychopath alone in Hell with little to no protection. He looked at you, with a glint of 'hope' in his eyes. Charlie would have his head if he tries anything funny, right?

'Oh fuck it, There's nothing to do in this shit hole anyway.' 

". . ."

"So what time are we heading out?

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So this ones a little short, 783 words, sorry about that lmao- I think you guys already know who Alastor's friend is. Sorry if anyone is OCC, And no, I'm not putting Angel and (Y/N) together, I just want it to seem that way.

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Thanks for reading - !


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