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Listening to Yao Bianliang's words, Director Hua was touched in his heart.

He really didn't notice this during today's rehearsal.

After all, Director Hua himself hated this villain very much. Therefore, when he saw Mu Taozhi playing the ugly face of the villain, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But after Yao Bianliang reminded him, he immediately understood.

Mu Taozhi's acting direction was wrong from the very beginning!

In the eyes of others, this villain is indeed devoid of conscience, but the villain himself does not think he is very vicious.

Therefore, as an actor playing the villain, Mu Taozhi cannot think that this role is vicious.

Only when the thoughts in his heart merge with the character, can he become the character himself, instead of imitating the character's words and deeds exaggeratedly.

"Yes, you are right," Director Hua's voice was a little excited, with a bit of enlightenment, "I was negligent on this point."

He originally thought that Mu Taozhi acted like this because his own acting skills were not up to standard.

But now it seems that besides acting skills, his mentality problem is more serious.

If the actor does not act as the character himself during the whole process of acting, the effect of the performance will of course not be ideal.

Yao Bianliang smiled and nodded on the surface, but he was really relieved in his heart.

As long as the director can realize the importance of this point, then everything can be solved easily.

"However, director, it is very difficult for an actor to understand and agree with a villain with a distorted personality," Yao Bianliang tentatively said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Director Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent.

He was embarrassed to say that he actually didn't think about this issue at all, he just wanted to remind Mu Taozhi to pay attention.

After thinking about it carefully, Director Hua still said: "He can think about it. This character has experienced a tragic experience since he was a child, so he can understand the character's twisted heart, right?"

Yao Bianliang's mouth twitched slightly.

this one? This can understand a hammer.

She can guarantee that Mu Taozhi will not be able to really get enlightened after hearing such an explanation.

Yao Bianliang sighed: "Director Hua, in fact, I personally think that if you follow the villain's thinking, you can easily find that he is not wrong."

Director Hua was taken aback, and surprise flashed in his eyes: "He single-handedly created an investment scam, disrupted the market order, and caused many innocent people to lose half their life savings. Is that right?"

"Of course there is something wrong," Yao Bianliang said helplessly, "but, according to this villain's distorted thinking mode, he will feel that he is not wrong."

"What did he do wrong? From the beginning to the end, he never forced those people to invest, or even encouraged them to take the bait. It was those people who heard about the high profits and flocked to them."

"If those people were not so greedy, they would stop after earning thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, and they would be able to get this huge amount of interest. Why would they lose everything later?"

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