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In the "Tian Ya Ling" crew chat group, everyone's complaints have almost swiped the screen.

On the first day of the broadcast, the results of the broadcast volume were very unsatisfactory. Not only that, but the audience's response was mediocre, which is really not good news.

Especially several young actors, they have high hopes for this drama. But I never thought that the new drama would face such a situation as soon as it aired.

[Hu Qingnian: Did everyone have a deep misunderstanding about us? They concluded that our acting skills were not good even before we appeared on the stage! 】

【Xia Hong: Well, let alone the audience, even my fans think my acting skills must be terrible...】

[Hu Qingnian: It's no wonder everyone misunderstood, after all, your performance in the last movie was so impressive @夏鸿]

[Wen Xuan: I don't understand, this drama is obviously different from "The Legend of An Hua", but why do the audience still compare these two dramas? 】

[Xia Hong: To be honest, compared with An Hua's Biography, there is obviously no similarity in other aspects except for the overlap of actors and screenwriters. 】

[Ling Huanxuan: Well, in the final analysis, it is still my problem. The setting of this drama is somewhat similar to the plot of "The Legend of Anhua". In addition, the screenwriter is the same person, so everyone will naturally think of it. 】

Everyone is talking about each other, feeling very helpless.

Thinking about it carefully, Tianya Ling was criticized as soon as it started broadcasting. I really can't blame others, but myself.

After all, each of them has a dark history of acting in bad dramas, and those bad dramas left a deep impression on the audience, which can hardly be washed away.

Especially Ling Huanxuan, her script started with a routine plot, which is not really brilliant.

In addition, she has a dark history like "The Biography of Anhua", and now the audience is substituting the previous stereotypes into it, she is really powerless.

Of course, everyone complains about it, but there is not much time to hurt the spring and autumn.

Most of them hadn't attended many business events some time ago. Now that filming is over, it's natural to start spinning.

Especially top-tier ones like Xia Hong, who shoot several advertisements every day and earn millions a day, seem to vow to make all the money back.

Yao Bianliang did not have such troubles.

Make money from advertising? Not required.

As long as she completes the system tasks, she can earn 100 billion bonuses. In any case, there will be no shortage of money.

So, while everyone was busy complaining about new dramas and making money like crazy, Yao Bianliang was on vacation at the beach.

The sea breeze blows gently across the beach, the sun is warm and bright, and the waves ebb and flow, leaving little shells on the white fine sand.

The reclining chair was placed near the waves, and Yao Bianliang was lying under the umbrella, surfing the Internet while enjoying the holiday life leisurely.

She even has leisure time to comfort the lost people.

[Yao Bianliang: It's okay, you don't need to think too much. Whether it is special effects, persuasion, script content, or acting skills, we have done our best to complete it. No matter what the final result is, we can do it with a clear conscience. 】

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