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In the past two days, articles and entries about "The Biography of An Hua" appeared on major platforms.

These articles will not only mention Anhua Biography, but also "Spring Revlon" incidentally, which is obviously a deliberate comparison of these two dramas.

#Summer new drama is online! Wenxuan VS Yao Bianliang, who is better? #

#Two costume romance dramas launched at the same time! The heroines are all brothel geisha, the identity of the heroine is shocking...#

#安华传 & Chunnuan Revlon is online at the same time, the holiday is no longer a shortage#

The content of the title is similar, nothing more than comparing the two dramas together.

As for the content of the article, the marketing account intentionally or unintentionally guides readers, making everyone feel that "Spring Revlon" is not as good-looking as "Anhua Biography".

Some people who are more sensitive to marketing methods will understand after seeing this, that Ansheng Entertainment is ready to start marketing.

However, for most passers-by, the two dramas not only have the same theme, but also have the same heroine status. It is only natural to be compared together.

Under the influence of some sailors and marketing accounts, more and more people spontaneously compare the two together. Many passers-by who saw such news subconsciously paid attention.

[By the way, Anhua Chuan's makeup looks much better...]

[Yao Bianliang's male protagonist looks too low, and he always looks weird. 】

[The story of An Hua's biography is so interesting! Seriously looking forward to it. 】

[Hahahaha I laughed so hard, Yao Bianliang's plot introduction here is so perfunctory, there is only one sentence, is this serious. 】

[Forecast, "Spring Revlon" can't compete with "An Hua Biography". From the cast to the publicity methods, everything is inferior to the other party. 】

[The crew of "Chun Warm Revlon" is also the headliner. They can obviously avoid popular dramas, but they have to choose to collide with them. 】

Netizens were talking about it, but when Yao Bianliang saw the news, he was speechless.

What is the publicity crew of "An Hua Biography" doing, rushing to give her the heat?

Although she doesn't understand marketing routines, she can roughly figure out some of them. This kind of marketing method of touching porcelain is only beneficial to the party who does not pay much attention, but it is not beneficial to the party who is popular.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Yao Bianliang is the one who takes advantage.

"What on earth is Ansheng Entertainment thinking?" Yao Bianliang couldn't understand it, and couldn't help complaining to Mo Yougan, "Aren't they our opponents? Why did they help us stir up the heat in the end?"

Yao Bianliang knew in his heart that Mo Youqian and Ansheng Entertainment were in a competitive relationship, and she herself had already made enemies with the other party.

The boss of Ansheng Entertainment has no tendency to be masochistic, so why is he eagerly sending traffic to her?

Mo Youqian was silent for a moment, and finally said slowly: "Perhaps, they misunderstood something."

Yao Bianliang was taken aback: "Misunderstanding?"

Mo Youqian: "After all, in the eyes of others, our drama has a huge investment, and there will definitely be sufficient publicity funds."

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