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With a snap of a finger, the surroundings turned peacefully quiet, albeit only to the long-haired lady with creases falling in between her brows. Her eyes were rather sunken for her delicate features, and her dried up lips showed her lack of hydration in the past few hours.

Crossings her arms in front of her chest, she breathed in deeply once, as if to gather some energy to deal with the child that was tugging at her pants that reached her ankles. She clicked her fingers again, looking down at the child with love in her eyes. Her voice was warm and airy, like a firefly floating about.

"Yes, baby?"

"Teacher teacher, what is a pirate?"

"Well, a pirate is a free-spirited person who travels the sea for adventures."

"That's cool! Me pirate!"

Chuckling at the child's innocent and hopeful gleam that shone through all her tiredness, she lifted him, carrying him on one side of her hips.

"Baby, you want to be a pirate?"

"Yes! Then I can go to..."

He went on and on about the places he wanted to visit, the things he wanted to do, and sights he had yet to see. The lady planted a loving kiss on his forehead, and placed him back onto the ground. If only life was always this peaceful, she remarked to herself.

"Alright class, Teacher Moon is off!"

"No Teacher Moon! Don't!"

Feeling reluctant to tear herself away from the children's pure and saddened eyes, she blew them kisses from the air.

"In life, goodbyes will always come. But! What did I teach you?"

"Hellos come more often!"

"That's right! See you tomorrow my angels."

Moon, or Teacher Moon as everyone liked to call her, waved at them one last time before taking her leave. She was the star teacher of an orphanage, which was often coined as the most peaceful one in The New World thanks to her devil fruit powers.

Having eaten the Nagi Nagi no Mi, or the calm-calm fruit, she would often ensure everyone's peace and quiet whenever children began crying or wailing out of control. Children felt at ease around her; she was loving, genuine and gentle to the children. However, she was not gifted with the same peace that she promised to give others.

"I wonder if the marines will come again..."

Muttering to herself, she swiped her long fringe with her hand, revealing a round forehead and softly curved nose that complimented her gentleness. The marines have been after her to plead her to join the navy, and people from the underworld have been chasing her to murder her just to get the devil fruit. It was a life of constantly being a prey, and having predators offer their hands for a "better life". The marines called the process negotiation, but she saw it more as a threat.

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