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"Oh, Sanji. It's really okay!"

It's been a mere 30 minutes since everyone has gathered at Shakky's bar. Sanji has been constantly telling Moon to go out of the kitchen, him falling in love every second at her motherly moments and cooking abilities. Law has been fuming at the side for the longest time, his jealousy hot enough to cook all the raw materials he was told to go and buy.

Once the crews have reached and they said their introductions and greetings, Moon went into teacher mode and delegated tasks to everyone based on her knowledge of them. She made sure Zoro was paired with someone in case he got lost, and he was still out to buy some more alcohol with Shachi and Penguin. Nami immediately went forward to tuck the children into their rooms as instructed by Rayleigh, with Robin's extra hands aiding in the process. Law was making trips to the store back and forth to get the ingredients ready, and Bepo and Chopper were busy discussing about rumble balls.

Everyone was playing their part, be it quietly or not. Luffy had to be held back physically by his crew every time he wanted to go forward and grab the uncooked food, so The Straw Hats were quite busy with that. Moon looked over at Brook, who was strumming a fine tune while stopping in between to ask Ikkaku for the colour of her panties. The motherly instinct in her kicked in, and she hopped over the bar to cup Brook's mouth. The brown-haired pirate chuckled, thanking her for the interception, although she let her know that it would not be needed next time.

"Did you forget that I'm an evil pirate?"

"Right, right. But Mr Brook, please don't ask that kind of questions again."

Brook let out his signature laughter and nodded, continuing to play his soulful music. Moon returned to chopping some onions, which Sanji had to stop himself from nose bleeding multiple times.

"Beautiful madam, please rest your precious hands."

"It's really okay! I owe you guys so much. Thank you, Sanji."

She gave Sanji a sincere smile, to which he clutched onto his knife and breathed in hard. Chopper ran forward to warn him of blood loss, and Sanji slowly regulated his breathing at the doctor's orders. Moon laughed at the scene in front of her, when she was suddenly startled by Law thumping down a bag of groceries on the counter.

"Oh, are these the paprikas?"


"Thanks, Law."

Even her adorable smile couldn't calm him down— seeing Sanji and her stand side by side, with Sanij continuously pushing his luck with her was not a pretty picture at all. Law made a mental note to fine-tune his cooking skills, and he put his hat on the coat hanger angrily. Bepo approached his captain to calm him down, placing a furry paw on his shoulder. Law looked away from the Mink, trying to contain his jealousy.


"Bepo. Remind me to buy some cook books."

"Captain! You're going to overwork yourself again."

Bepo was right— he had too much responsibilities as things were, and he did not need another task to steal his sleep away. Law huffed his cheeks for a moment, staring at the two chefs in case Sanji did anything to make her uncomfortable. The banquet preparation went smoothly, with Law emitting a dark cloud around him the whole time. Usopp, Franky and Jinbe were busy talking to Den outside the entire time, and they returned once it was time to set the plates. 

"Law, please help me."

Upon hearing Moon's voice call out to him, Law appeared at the speed of light, making Sanji a little surprised. Since when was this guy this fast?

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