Chapter Fifty- Four: Hell Week

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"Let me go! I'm going to be late! I can't be late!" The words snapped out before I could clamp my mouth shut. Harry's muscular arms immediately retreated from my waist. With a frustrated sigh and a good tug at my ponytail, I snatched the rest of my books out of my locker. Harry followed me silently, taking the books out of my hands to carry, smiling down at me. This only caused a frown to gloss over my lips. Harry was nothing but sweet to me this entire week back to school. He would always walk me to my class, carry my books, pack my lunch like a caring mother, and give me endless back massages before I snuggled into his arms for bed. 

The first week back at school has sucked, but then again anything having to deal with school sucked. I didn't want to be back where half of my day was spent sitting in a boring class without my five favorite guys. The weekend had gone by too fast and the guys had two shows plus a magazine interview a couple of towns over. I stayed back at hotel, manging to finally get ahold of my mom while doing my homework. She was loving her vacation more than anything but she couldn't wait to get back home. We couldn't spend much time on the phone and I was thankful because I left half of her questions about the boys unanswered. My mom would flip out if she knew that I was sharing a bed with a boy.

It was the second Monday of the second semester; teacher's finally getting back to the routine of things. Homework started to pile up as each of my teachers found it necessary to give me over three pages in each class. I wanted to cry my eyes out when I found out this was also hell week, meaning the musical was THIS Friday. This Friday. I would be on stage, singing and dancing to God only knows who. Nerves settled into my stomach early on as I walked through each day.

When the bell finally rung at the end of this torment, I practically bolted out my seat and through the door. Harry finally caught up to me, his eyes wide and curious. "Why are you running? I have the keys."

"I know! Come on! I have to get home and finish physics so I can do my english report!" I rushed him as he unlocked the car for me. By the time it took Liam, Zayn, and Niall to strut up to the car, I was already trying to finish half of my worksheet. Harry peered at me from the driver seat, remaining unusually quiet. "What?" I screwed my mouth to the side as his eyes scruitinized me.

"Are you okay?"

"No," I stated honestly. "I have so much to do. I'm so stressed. And I have two really big tests on Wednesday and I don't even know if I'll get time to start studying for it tonight and these grades are half-" He leaned across and kissed me feverishly. Outside the car, I could hear Zayn whistle as they approached. I dropped my pencil in my lap and quickly wrapped my fingers around the curls on the back of his neck. 

When Harry broke away, the cold air hit me. Zayn had opened the door, telling us to stop 'snogging' as he climbed in. "Do you want me to help you study tonight?"

"Study? Yeah right. Is that what you guys call it?" Niall's laughter died as I sent him a glare. 

"If I have time. I have to finish everything else." Even though my cheeks were bright red and flustered from the guys watching us kiss, I gave them all threatening glances. "Which means no interruptions. Please."

"You got it, boss," Liam saluted me as Harry's engine rolled over, turning on smoothy as he backed out and headed back to the hotel.


"Knock knock."

"No one's home," I didn't even look over my shoulder to see who it was. My eyes stayed glued to the textbook in front of me, papers and reviews littered the comfy bed. 

"You've been in here for over fours hours. You've only come out once and that was to stuff food down your throat. God damnit, Chris. I want to spend time with you." The whiny teenager plumped ontop of the pillows, ignoring my homework and crinkling the papers.

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