Chapter Thirty-Three: Two Is Better Than One

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I awoke to the bed moving slightly. My eyes snapped open as I peered at the boy who looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. The first question that popped into my mind was; Why am I looking at Liam? The second; How bad did I screw up my chances last night?

Liam smiled, his eyes squinting slightly. “Morning,” he said in a hushed tone.

“What time is it?”

“6:30,” He stated casually as my eyes nearly bursted out of my skull. 6:30?! “I’m going for a run, you want to join me? I mean, if you can keep up...” He trailed off and let out a quiet laugh.  I rubbed my eyes before nodding. I slowly got off the bed, signaling to Liam that I just needed to change into my running clothes. “I’ll be in the kitchen,” he responded. I slipped out of the room, closing it quietly so I wouldn’t awake Zayn who was fast asleep in his bed.

I turned the bedroom nob slowly, peering in and my heart nearly broke. The covers told me that he had been tossing and turning all night. His hair was ruffled up with an arm reached across where I normally slept. I had on a small smile as I reached down and picked up a pair of nike shorts, white v-neck, socks, and my shoes. I debated on whether or not to change in his bathroom or just stay out here. I shook my head and started stripping off my sleep shirt. Harry could probably sleep soundly in a taxi driving down New York City at night on New Years Eve.

Harry’s door closed behind me, the sleeping boy had remained still the entire time. I quietly walked down the hall and to the kitchen. Niall was still passed out on the couch and I had to cover my mouth to keep from giggling loudly. I smiled up at Liam who was holding a water bottle. He grabbed a room key and we walked out of the hotel room. 

“So,” Liam began once we stepped into the elevator. “Didn’t know you were up for running this early." 

“I like to run.” I fired back jokingly. “I may not look like it, but I’m in shape.”

“Trust me, Chris, we could tell after last night in that bikini of yours.”

“Liam Payne! I thought you of all people wouldn’t look at me like that!” I reached over and hit his shoulder lightly.

“I’m still a boy! I am allowed to look!” He grinned and nudged me with his elbow. “Never knew you’d buy a swimsuit like that.”

“I didn’t. Harry insisted,” I said with narrow eyes. That boy could really irritate me sometimes. He knew I wasn’t comfortable in it yet practically forced it on me.

“Speaking of Harry...” Liam said as the elevator dinged. I sighed loudly as we walked out of the lobby and onto the streets. 

“Have you been going running every morning?” I direction the conversation away from that sore subject quickly.

“Just about. Some nights, when we stay up too late, I’ll go running the next morning. It’s really refreshing and helps me wake up easier then coffee. Plus, the fans love my guns!” He grinned and flexed his bicep before we both started trotting along the empty street. Every now and then we’d pass by other runners or people begging for money. “I feel bad that I didn’t bring anything to give them,” Liam said as we passed by another woman holding out a cup to us.

“Tell me about it,” I breathed heavily. Liam looked over at me, his eye brows lifted high. “What?”

“I think you can’t keep up.”

“I’ll race you to the end of this block.”

“Deal.” He grinned as we shot down the street. Let me tell you something- Liam was in shape. He knew how to run, but he just couldn’t keep up with me. “Damn!” He said as he rested his hands on his knees. He was bent ever so slightly, his chest rising and falling dramatically. “How do you do that?”

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