Chapter Twenty-Two: Working The Public

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Fingertips grazed across my bare thighs. My eyes snapped to the boy who was sitting next to me. He grinned as he leaned in and started to kiss my neck. My mouth dropped open as a quiet moan escaped my lips. In a blur, I ended up in his lap. His hands were pushing up the skirt I had on. My own fingers pulled down his blazer. 

“God, you’re sexy,” they mumbled into my neck. I moved so I was straddling him, our hips rocking together. The layers separating us was killing me. “Oh, Chris,” he groaned. His hands went from my skirt to my dress shirt. He worked on unbuttoning it, my black lacy bra exposed. His lips kissed all over, my hands tangling in his curls.


My eyes shot open. What. The. Fuc- Did I really just dream that? The quilt fell off of me and I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. I had fallen asleep on the couch once I got home after lunch. it was Friday, and the clock read that is was 4:30. I quickly hopped up and raced to the shower. 

I had my hair up in a towel and was putting on a white lacy thong and strapless bra. I called Abi, knowing that she was home. She picked up after the third ring.

“What’s up, gurlfran?” She sounded like she was eating. I laughed as I shook my hair out.

“I need your help pronto.”

“Oh yea! Niall told me you were going out tonight to some award thing. He showed me a photo of your dress! Want me to come over and do your makeup?”

“And hair?” I asked with a small voice.

“Of course,” Abi laughed. “Be there in 10! And blow dry your hair!” She hung up and I walked back into the bathroom. I blow dried my hair and was finished as the doorbell rang. I covered myself with a towel and let Abigail in. “Go get dressed, chica!” She smiled while she went through my makeup. I stepped into my bedroom and put on the elegant gown. It fit like a glove. The dress gave off just enough cleavage, which was hardly any for my taste. I loved being covered for some reason. Sarah is constantly complaining that it wasn’t fair that I had huge boobs and I never showed them off. I just didn’t feel comfortable. “How is it even possible that it looks even better in person?!” Abi made me sit on the bed as she applied foundation to my face. I sat patiently and didn’t try to mess her up. She finished with my face but didn’t let me look in a mirror. “I want to finish your hair before you can see the finished product!”

After using a curler and playing with my hair for half an hour, she finally finished. She let me look in the bathroom mirror and I gasped.

“Abi, you’re a miracle worker!”

“I’m just letting your natural beauty shine.” Abi smiled as I looked at myself. My blue eyes popped with the smokey eye Abigail gave me. My lips had on scarlet lipstick, and all my imperfections were... Well, perfect. My hair was all on my left shoulder, spilling in soft curls. My long side bangs fell just right and skimmed past my eyes. 

Niall: Hey we’re coming to pick you up!

“What shoes should I wear?” I started to panic. My stomach started to churn in different directions. Abigail was already shuffling through my closet to see what shoes I had. She pulled out sparkly silver heels and tossed them to me. I slipped them on and stood up carefully. The door bell rang and Abigail told me to calm down. She went and answered it while I finished getting ready. I put my phone in a simple black clutch after texting my mom and telling her the plans. I walked with ease into the living room where I could see Niall talking to Abigail. Niall looked handsome in a dark grey tuxedo. He played it up with white converse. I saw Abigail smile and brush some hair behind her ear. Get it girl!

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