Chapter Twenty: One-On-One

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My eyes fluttered open to see a sleeping boy. I really needed to stop falling asleep in his arms. This could not be good for my mental health. I tried to wiggle backwards and get out of the bed. Harry’s arms tightened before his eyes opened.

“Let’s just stay in bed today,” his voice was even deeper then normal, and the extra raspyness made me have goosebumps.

“Harry, you-”

“I know,” He said before he pulled me closer again. “Let me enjoy this,” his eyes left mine as they closed again. One of his hands was dangerously close to my butt. He slowly pushed the shirt I had on up, his hand traveling up my back. I sighed as his fingers relaxed me. The covers had been kicked to our waists, his bare torso fully exposed. This boy hid it well; he was incredibly fit. My eyes trailed over his chiseled 6- pack. I did something any girl would do. I touched him.

My arms unfolded from myself and slowly touched his waist. I let my hands run over his chest before slowly trailing down. I looked up at Harry, who kept his eyes closed but now had a smile on his face. I let my hands run up to his broad shoulders and down his toned arms. Going back up, I slowly massaged his arms and stayed at his shoulders. Harry let out a moan which caused me to giggle. He stopped moaning as he smiled. His eyes reopened as his arms pulled me so close that our chests were touching. I stopped massaging as I let my hand go back to his bicep. 

“Good morning,” he smiled.

“Good morning,” I echoed. I yawned as I put my head in the crook of his neck. God, I wish I was Elizabeth.


What did I just think?

I didn’t move as I laid there with him. I’m such a terrible person. That guilty feeling filled the pit of my stomach. Harry was happy with Elizabeth, and I was here... Trying to... What was I trying to do with Harry? Cuddle? Sure, cuddling wasn’t bad. I mean, I cuddled with the rest of the boys but they felt like brothers to me. Harry didn’t feel like a brother. Every time he touched me, my stomach would do little somersaults. Sometimes it felt like an entire firework show was going off in there. 

It’s hormones, Chris. Don’t over think it. Don’t over think it. Don’t over think it.


“Hump day!” Niall came up behind me and tickled my sides as I switched out folders. 

“Niall!” I laughed and slapped his hands away. Niall leaned against the locker next to mine as I finished.

“Chris!” He mocked. “I still can’t believe you thought Hump Day actually meant humping someone today instead of Wednesday.”

“Well sorry for not being up-to-date with the newest lingo,” I huffed as I closed my locker. I sent him a smile though to let him know I wasn’t angry.

“It’s okay,” Niall winked as he walked me to third period. “Do you miss Haz?”

“I guess,” I said quietly.  Harry had left Sunday night to fly to London and go see Elizabeth. He was supposed to be back any day now. It was weird dropping him off at the airport. Harry had given everyone a hug before he got on the plane. Our hug was a bit awkward. I would feel awkward too; Hugging the girl you spent all morning with and now leaving to go see your faithful girlfriend.

Harry texted Louis and Zayn a lot, and only sent me one text the entire time he was gone.

Harry: Gonna miss falling asleep in my arms for a while? ;) x

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