Chapter Nineteen: The First One Is The Worst One

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“Harry,” I whined at the smiling boy. He smirked as he held the fork out, trying to feed me. “I can do it myself.”

“But I want to... Now open up!” I just glared at him. I refused to be fed like a little child. “Please Chris?” Harry whispered with a frown, his lips tucking into a pout. My eyes lingered there before trailing up to his sad puppy eyes. I let out a loud sigh that let him know he was victorious. 

“You just spoil the poor girl,” Zayn said. 

“Tell me about it,” I grumbled before opening my mouth properly. Harry carefully placed the fork in my mouth, letting me bite off the rolled up pasta. “Thank you,” I said sarcastically once I finished chewing.

“With pleasure,” Harry took the same fork and twisted more pasta onto it, shoving it into his mouth. I fake gagged which just earned me a glare from him. “Get use to my germs.”

“This food is heaven,” Niall said dramatically. Most of the bread sticks were gone because of his bottomless stomach. “We have got to come here more often.”

“Who knew that Niall was a Fazolli’s boy,” I commented. Fazolli’s was a italian place and wasn’t very high class. It was slightly empty but the food was still great. All six of us had pushed together two tables, making enough room for everyone. I was seated in between Liam and Harry. Zayn, Louis, and Niall sat across from us.

“Thank you for showing us it,” Louis said as he looked up from his own plate.

“Thanks for inviting me along,” I smiled.

“Anything for the girlfriend of Mr. Styles,” Liam said with a smile. We were still in public and had to keep a cover just in case.

“What should we do tonight?” Harry continued to shove pasta in his mouth, still looking attractive somehow, while I sipped on my diet coke.

“Scary movie night?” Niall said as he smirked at me.

“No.” I crossed my arms stubbornly.

“I will not be sleeping with her when she’s scared again. She kicks,” Harry narrowed his eyes at me as I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You can snuggle with me!” Louis grinned.

“Lou! How could you?” Harry looked up, his face dropping. I laughed loudly before covering my mouth with my hand. Whoops!

“Pass up a chance to snuggle with her? Never!” Louis winked at me before his face twisted in pain. “Ouch! Harry- no need to kick!” 

“Enough fighting boys, we all know she’d want to be with Daddy Direction,” Liam put an arm around the back of my chair. 

“You’re all wrong! She wants me! All of this,” Zayn said as he pointed to his body. 

“I’m her best friend!” Niall put down his fork. Oh boy, this was getting serious.

“I’m her boyfriend!” Harry set his own fork down, the hand closest to me found my knee. I looked up at him, my eyebrows scrunched slightly. 

“You just said you didn’t want to snuggle with a scared Chris!” Louis said as he leaned over the table tauntingly.

“But she’s my girlfriend,” Harry said back lamely. I looked over to see Zayn staring intensely between Harry and I. I caught his eyes and raised one of my eyebrows. He just smiled and mouthed that he’d tell me later. “But seriously,” Harry caught my attention again. “What are we going to do tonight?”

“Let’s...” Liam started to say something before he fell silent. His expression telling me he was still thinking about what to do.

“We’ll figure it out when the time comes,” Zayn finally stepped in. Liam nodded as he went back to his plate. I turned to Harry, about to ask him why he was acting so possessive. He looked at me and held up another fork full of food, feeding me again.

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