Chapter Thirty-Five; Party Of Five, Not Six

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“Christina? The boys are here,” My mother cooed softly, shaking me awake. I must’ve fallen asleep doing homework. 

“What time is it?”

“Almost midnight. Come on, get up.” She offered me her hand, helping me up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, trying my hardest to stay awake. “I might let them spend the night if they’re good.”

I nodded and walked over to the door, the boy’s voices were easily heard. I paused for a second as I pressed my ear to the door. I know it wasn't right to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself. I was dying to know what was going on with Harry. If you had asked me just a month ago what I knew about Harry, I'd be able to write a novel about all the fun facts I learned. But now he's this big mystery that I can't seem to solve.

“Mate, way to tell us about that kiss.” It was either Liam or Zayn talking, I couldn’t distinguish with a layer of wood in between. 

“I...Uhm... Surprise?” The voice that I had grown so fond of spoke, as deep as ever. 

“How was it?” Louis laughed after speaking, instantly giving it away it was him.

“It was... Alright, I guess.”

“What are you going to do about Elizabeth?” Niall asked. His accent gave it away. That, and the fact that I grew up with him so his voice was forever engraved into my mind.

“I don’t know... I’m kinda just improvising as I go.” Harry said after a moment. I couldn’t bare to hear anymore. Whenever Harry talked about Elizabeth, my heart strings would be tugged on and my stomach would churn. No matter how much I liked Harry, he would always love Elizabeth. I was just a piece of ass for him to mess around with. I leaned away from the door and turned the knob, opening it and startling the boys.

“Hey guys,” I said with a small smile. I didn't let my eyes flash to Harry right away. I knew if I did, I'd just start crying or yelling at him. With Harry, everything was hot and cold. One minute, I wanted to kiss him. But the next, I wanted to reach across and slap that stupid smirk off his face. He played around with my emotions and probably didn't give a damn about me.

“Chris!” Niall grinned and swooped in for a hug like they weren’t just talking about me. He lifted me in the air and put me down. I rolled my eyes and giggled as he removed his arms.

“Glad to see you too Niall.”

“Did you watch the interview?” Liam said as he stepped forward and gave me a light hug, not suffocating me like Niall had done.

“Of course. I promised you I would, didn’t I? And Zayn, you do suck at thinking on your feet.” I laughed when Zayn pulled me in for a hug before going indoors. 

“Oh Chris-Chris, I wished you could have been there. You would’ve made it a lot funner.” Louis stepped up and hugged me. “Thanks for telling me about the kiss,” he whispered in my ear.  I said nothing as he pulled away and walked inside, instantly going to the kitchen to hit on my mom. I could hear Niall asking for sandwiches, he probably was pulling the puppy eyes. My gaze slowly turned to Harry, who was leaning against the doorframe, closer than I wanted at this time. I slowly tilted my head to look at him, an eyebrow cocked as if to say ‘Well?’

“I...” Harry’s husky voice filled my ears while all I could focus on was his lips. His tongue poked out to wet them before he bit his bottom lip. “Hi.” I looked back up at his beautiful green eyes, struggling not to grab his collar and bring his face down to mine, kissing the living daylights out of him. 

“Hey,” I breathed out, his own eyes flickering to my lips. 

“Can we talk?” He said lowly, a question only meant for me and not the two boys who were still lingering in my living room, watching us closely. I shook my head despite my mind screaming at me to listen to everything he said. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t need you to yell at me again.” Trying to turn on my heel for a dramatic exit, Harry just grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his chest. His face was only inches away as his eyes searched mine, regret filling his green irises.


“Come on, lovebirds.” Zayn rolled his eyes, causing us to break apart. Harry closed the door after walking in, heading to the kitchen without another word. He was confusing me so much recently. “Come sit by me!” Zayn said from the couch. I did as instructed and he put his arm around me. The rest of the boys were in the kitchen, chatting up my mom. “Way to tell me.” I sighed loudly and leaned my head on his shoulder, not responding. “When did this happen?”

“When y’all left us in the jacuzzi alone.”

“Well... how was it?”

“You are such a girl, Zayn,” I laughed quietly, letting it harmonize with Zayn’s deep laugh.

“I’m curious. Is my Har-Bear a passionate kisser?”

“Okay Bradford bad-boy, you just crossed the line.” I pushed his side, trying to escape his grip.

“You know that he likes you, right?” Zayn said seriously, the smile vanished from his face. “And I know you like him too. Harry’s being a real big ass with Elizabeth but just keep holding on, alright? I know you’re a tough cookie and you won’t let him push you around. Just be straightforward with him and he’ll get his shit in line.” Zayn finally smiled even though his eyes were full of sadness.

“And you know that you can always ask Sarah out and she’ll say yes.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me, watching him roll off the couch. “You are such a loser.” I smiled and stood up from the couch only to have the rest of the boys join us in the living room. Niall’s mouth was occupied chewing while there was a half eaten sandwich in one hand and a whole sandwich in his other.

Louis jumped over the back of the couch, peering down at Zayn. “Rolly-poley?” The words caused the boys to have a fit of giggles. My eyes flickered to the kitchen doorway, where Harry stood with his arms crossed. His eyes met mine, the small smile disappearing off of his face.


“Sleepover! Slumber party!” Niall said in a high voice, trying to sound like a girl. “Liam, do my nails a really pretty color! Like a sky blue or rosey pink!”

“Go to bed, Niall.” I huffed as I walked into my room, seeing Niall lay on my floor, flipping through a magazine. Liam was laughing his head off as he fluffed his pillow. Zayn was already fast asleep in his sleeping bag, right against the wall that was parallel to my bed. 

“Whatever you say, mom.” I rolled my eyes and turned off the lights, blindly walking in my room and finding my bed.

Right before I shut my eyes, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. A small smile graced my lips even though I was supposed to be mad at Harry. I turned around, preparing myself for those perfect green eyes. My own eyes widened when I met crystal blue eyes. “Louis!” I hissed but couldn’t keep myself from laughing. “What are you doing?”

“Taking Harry’s spot. I always wondered what it was like to sleep with you. You seem like a good little spoon,” he winked.

“Where’s Harry?”

“He went home.” The smile on his face dropped a little. “He’s in a really weird mood.”

“You can say that again.” I mumbled, my heart felt like it was being banged against with a hammer. I wonder how long I could take this until everything starts to fall apart.

“Just give him time, Chris. He’ll come around.”

“I know... Hopefully.” I turned in his arms again, letting my back press against his chest. It was weird not sleeping in Harry’s arms, but sleeping in his best friend’s arms instead.

“We all like you better than Elizabeth... He’ll realize he does too... Goodnight Chris,” Louis said softly in my ear. 

Why was Harry acting like he hated me?

A/N: Guys, I love you so much. You know that, right? So let's have some faith that I will finish the story. I promise you, it might take awhile but I will keep writing! I've just been so caught up in school {omg physics is killer}, work, and maintaining valuable friendships. Thank you SO much for over 1,000 fans. It means a lot to me! I love each and every one of you. Just hang in there and I'll try to update soon, but I can't promise you a date. I love you!

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