Chapter Nine: Fear Stricken

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The doorbell rang for the millionth time that night; scaring me for the thousandth. The first movie, Case 39, was nearly over. Right now, a car with the little girl in it was just driven into a large body of water. We had all taken turns to go hand out the candy; I was up more than the others. Tammy had the nerve to start laughing at parts as I sat in a little ball. Every now and then Harry would laugh at me, earning him a glare which he smirked at.

“The party is in!” Sarah screamed just as the hand had popped out of the trunk in the movie. I let out a killer scream, making Harry jump from my sudden action. 

“Get it together woman!” Tammy hissed as I leaned back into the couch, trying to control my breath.

“We’re watching The Ring next, right?” Sarah made her way to the table, grabbing a handful of Fritos and popping them into her mouth. She was looking cute in her little bunny get up. White ears on her head matched her white crop top, and white high waisted shorts. Her toned legs were in white tights and white converse. She detached the white cotton tail that was pinned on her shorts, dropping it the table. Her long hair cascaded her back as she plopped down into the seat next to Zayn. Yep, she had to have at least one cup of alcohol in her system to be able to something like that after kissing him.

“I’m Sarah, nice to formally meet you,” she said as she stuck her hand out. 

“I’m Zayn,” the smile on his face matched a little kid’s in a candy shop. Sarah giggled before pulling his hand, making him closer. Her face leaned over and her lips met his again. I felt my jaw drop, Abigail’s reaction similar to mine. Sarah was definitely tipsy or flat out drunk. I couldn’t wait to tease her about this. Liam and Harry started to howl, sending wolf whistles. Zayn was the first to pull away, his cheeks bright pink. It was uncharacteristic for him, at least in my mind.

“Come back, I wasn’t finished,” Sarah pouted, causing us all to laugh. Zayn leaned in and kissed her forehead, whispering something that made her turn pink. As the attention was turned back to the screen, I was happy to see it was ending. 

“I need a quick refill. Sarah, join me,” I said as I got up, grabbing my plastic cup. Sarah slowly got up and followed me to the kitchen. Once we were inside it, and a safe distance away I turned to her. “What was that about? Come here,” I rolled my eyes as her face leaned to mine. I took a sniff and pulled away with wide eyes. “You’re sober?!”

“Yes, I’m sober!”

“You definitely weren’t acting like it!” Sarah said nothing but stared at her converse, a silence in the air. “What made you just… kiss him like that… Again?”

“I saw Jeffrey at the party,” Sarah looked up at me with sad eyes. My lips shifted into a ‘O’ form. I opened my arms, letting her walk into them and hug back. Jeffrey was Sarah’s last boyfriend, who Sarah caught cheating on with one of the dance captains. Every time Sarah bumped into him, she would act weird and do impulsive things.  I rubbed her back, comforting her as I heard her breathing go rapid.

“Don’t cry, Sarah,” I said as I pulled away, looking her in the eye. “Think of the bright side… You just kissed Zayn, and by the looks of it, both of you really enjoyed it.” I said teasingly, causing her cheeks to burn. 

“Oh shut up Miss Styles.” 

“Excuse me?”

“Tammy texted me all about it. When they leave, you have so much explaining to do.”

“Look at the time! Gotta run!” I grabbed my cup, now filled with sprite, and walked away quickly.

Abi popped in The Ring next as everyone settled down, Sarah returning to sitting next to Zayn. I hardly sat down, making the excuse of having to answer the door to keep from watching the movie. I hated this movie out of all of them. The little girl scared the wits out of me. As the doorbell rang, I walked down the thin hallway to the door with the candy bucket. I opened it to find a small group smiling at me.

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