Chapter One: Pilot

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Turn away, if you could get me a drink of water cause my lips are chapped and faded

Call my Aunt Marie, help her gather all my things

And bury me in all my favorite colors

My sisters and my brothers still, I will not kiss you

Because the hardest part of this, is leaving you

        I tossed back the covers while my hand blindly searched for my Blackberry. I groaned in agony when I couldn’t find it, rolling over to search for it visually. I grabbed the phone, bringing it to my ear.

“Yes?” My voice croaked, groggy from the rude awakening.

        “Rise and shine beautiful! You have much to do today! First, empty the dishwasher and put a load in the washer. Second, put something nice on and go visit Niall. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the poor boy, and he’s in town!” My mother said cheerily, my eyes shifting to the clock. How can someone be this happy at 9 in the morning? Did I mention it’s the weekend?

        “He is?” I said, slightly perking up at the sound of 'Niall'. I sat up in bed, my right hand holding the cell phone to my ear. “Which hotel is he in?”

        “He’s at the Hilton! You still have his number, right sweety?”

        “Yes, mother. Why would I delete it? He's been my best friend for... Forever.” I said with a smile even though she couldn’t see it.

        “Well, feel free to stay over as long as you want to! Just be back by midnight or one if possible.”

        “Yes ma'am!” My feet hit the floor as I hung up. I tossed my phone on the bed as I stretched. I did as my mother asked, emptying the dishwasher and throwing both our clothes in the washer. 

        I guess now would be a good time to introduce myself. My full name is Christina Rain Greenwell. I’m 17 going onto 18, and a junior at Sea Side High school. I like to play all types of sports. I love to run especially when feeling stressed. You would think that someone who loves being the sun would be tan, right? Wrong; I’m as pale as a ghost. I just can’t get tan despite being outdoors all the time. I stand at 5’6 and I guess you could call me a tomboy. I can dress up and look like a girl, but I just don’t have the time. 

        I live in a small apartment with my mother, just a few blocks from my school. My mother has a small income job which barley pays for the bills and the gasoline it takes for her to get to her work. I don’t mind being one of the few teenagers in my grade that doesn’t own a car. If I want to get somewhere, I’ll run, take the bus, or hitch a ride with a friend.

         My pj’s hit the floor as I changed into a pair of denim jeans. I pulled a simple tank top and slipped on vans. I grabbed my wallet for bus fare and locked up behind me. As I walked to the bus station, I texted my old childhood best friend, Niall Horan, telling him I was coming over.

Niall: yay! missed you so much! txt me when outside of the Hilton, k?

        I sent a reply just as soon as the bus pulled up. I smiled at the driver, paying the fee and sitting near the middle. I watched as the city passed before my eyes- I could never get tired of Texas.

        Niall’s mother and mine had grown up together, becoming super close in high school. Even though Niall’s mom moved out of the United States when married, they kept close through email and occasional phone call. When Niall’s mom visited when I was 3, I met the blonde 4-year-old and soon became close to him. Like mother, like child they say. Our friendship bloomed through the years, and Niall pretty much became the brother I never had. Whenever he was in the country, I always tried to see him but these past few years have been harder to meet up with him. He's always busy suddenly.

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