Chapter Five: Unleashing The Fan Girls

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“Christina!” The wind carried my name, mixing with the soft crash of beach waves. My long blonde hair whipped around as I turned, the long white maxi-dress flowing with me. Running down the beach was the familiar curly haired boy, who was now shoeless, white skinny jeans, and no shirt on but wore a deep blue blazer. A captain’s hat rested on his head, somehow not falling off as he ran close to me.

The closer he got, the slower he ran. I tried to push my legs to him, but the sand was heavy on my feet. When there was a good three feet between us, he stuck his hand out; That’s when time slowed down further. It seemed to take forever for him to say my name again. My own hand reached out to him, my feet feeling heavier and heavier. I looked down to see the sand swallowing me into a hole. “Chris-”

I woke up, my head in a cold sweat. During the dream I managed to kick off all my covers, my pillow beside my bed. The time read 6:30, which was still early but not nearly enough to go back to sleep. Cold carpet hit my feet as I trudged to the shower, jumping in and jumping out in under five minutes. Why would I dream about Harry like that? Why would I even dream something so cliché that turned into something sinister? 

By the time I had thoroughly towel dried my hair and French braided it, it was already 7:22. I slipped on a matching set of underwear and bra, red Nike running shorts, a white V-neck and my old vans. Homework was stuffed into my bag, thanking God it was a white day. I had all my easy classes; my favorite was last block, musical. A green apple found its way into my mouth, a huge chunk missing as I closed the door after me. The walk to school was pleasant, cars came and gone but not too much traffic. October was a favorite month of mine because of the weather, nature, and Halloween. 

Every Halloween, Tammy and I would go over to Abigail’s house for a scary movie fest, stopping when the door bell rang so we could pass out candy. Abigail’s parents were usually out on a date every holiday. Sarah, being more popular than us, would go to actual parties with the dance team. This year, I just had an inkling the boys might join us. Or they’d go party with pretty girls, but hopefully they’d choose us.

When I reached the school, I found my locker to have a figure leaning against it, talking to two others. Realizing it was just Niall, Liam, and Zayn, I walked over with a smile.

“Morning guys,” Niall pretended to tip a top hat at me. Zayn just waved while Liam gave me a big smile. I eyed them suspiciously, “Where’s the other one?”

“What do you mean?” Zayn looked up with innocent deer eyes. I can’t even tell you how close I was to jumping on him and squeezing the cuteness out of it. He could stop hogging all the adorable and give it to the less fortunate; me.

“What do you mean, what do I mean? Where is he?” Niall moved from my locker, allowing me to open it and grab my speech notebook. While I reached for an extra pen, two hands covered my vision. 

“Guess who?” A voice whispered into my ear.

“Hmm, someone whose about to feel pain?” I tapped my chin thoughtfully.

“What?” The voice said, not whispering anymore. I jabbed the person behind me with my elbow, hearing the satisfying ‘Ouch!’ as they removed their hands. I turned around to see Harry stroking his ribs where I elbowed him. He pouted as I laughed at him, my eyes automatically rolling.

“Not my fault.”

“I beg to differ!” Harry’s eyes met mine, and I was reminded of my dream. I could feel my cheeks heat up. Sure, it felt like I knew Harry for a while, but it was too soon to have dreams of him. Especially ones with romantic themes! Him running to me slowly on the beach like his life goal was to touch me was just creepy. 

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