Chapter Thirteen: Now What?

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The lag that passes between 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. is always slow. It’s the time the boys and myself actually have until they make dinner or we all go out to eat. Right now all of us were back at the boy’s hotel. Zayn had gone into his room to take a nap, Liam looked like he was about to fall asleep on the couch.

“What’s the plan for tonight?” Niall said, not looking up from the blue DS in his hand. Harry was sitting next to Louis on the couch next to mine, their couch was across from Niall’s, mine was across from Liam’s. Louis and Harry looked up at me expectantly, their fingers stopped taping on their phones. I shrugged and Louis went back to his phone. Harry raised an eyebrow before returning back to his game.

“Whatever you want, Niall,” Harry said.

“I don’t want to go out to eat. We’ve been out to eat practically all week,” Niall frowned as he looked at the DS screen.

I got up and went to the kitchen, leaving the silence. I opened the fridge and pantry before closing it. I walked back in and leaned against the door frame. “Want me to make dinner?” That gained the boys’ attention. Niall nodded his head eagerly while Louis pretended to ponder about it. “I can make pasta? You guys have tons of salad and pasta. Who went grocery shopping?”

“Zayn did. We ate all the junk food already. It’s Louis’s turn tomorrow,” Harry explained. I nodded my head, my eyes gazing at the clock. 6 P.M. on the dot. 

“I’ll get started,” I said as I earned a smile from all the boys.

“Thanks Mama Chris,” Louis cooed. I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle as I turned and walked back to the living room. Preparing the meal wasn’t hard at all, I mean; it was pasta. How hard is it to screw up pasta? I set up the small table, putting down the little bowls the boys had bought. Dinner was almost ready when I checked the time again. I was mixing up a big bowl of salad when a sleepy Liam walked in.

“You okay, sleeping beauty?’ I cooed, tossing the salad slightly. Liam stuck his tongue out at me as he grabbed a glass of water.

“Need help?”

“Will you drain the pasta for me? I just need to wake up Zayn real quick,” I said as I batted my eyelashes at the teen sensation. Liam laughed and kissed my cheek, taking my place in front of the sink. I tip toed across the suite practically, trying to remain quiet. I walked down the hallway, slowly opening each door to see if Zayn was in one. I finally opened one to see a napping Zayn, feet dangling off the bed, an arm under the pillow, and his mouth opened slightly. 

I walked in slowly, trying to make remain as quiet as a mouse. I sat down on the queen sized bed Zayn was on, the other one neatly made. I slowly touched him, shaking him gently. “Zayn,” I cooed. “Babe, it’s time for dinner.” The teenager groaned at me, making my eyes roll. The smile never left my face as I shook him again. “I’m going to eat all your pasta and salad.” Zayn’s eyes opened slowly, his eyebrows scrunched together.

“You made dinner?” I nodded my head as a smile graced his face. “That’s so sweet of you.” He yawned as I got off the bed, giving him room to stretch. “How long was I asleep for?”

“Less then two hours,” I held out my hand to him, helping him up. We walked to the kitchen, hands still connected. I didn’t feel any sexual attraction with him. Zayn is so beautiful, but I can’t see myself doing anything... naughty... with him. He doesn’t give me those weird butterfly feelings. By the time we got into the table kitchen, we found the rest of boys waiting patiently for us. I sat down in between Niall and Harry, Zayn taking a seat next to Niall and Liam. 

“Thanks for making dinner tonight,” Niall said once I sat down.

“It looks really good,” Louis complimented me, causing me to blush a little. I still wasn’t used to the attention the boys gave me.

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