Chapter Thirty: Not Like The Others

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“Lou! Stop it! I’m serious! I do not want to go shopping! It always ends up bad!” I tried to push away the boy who was trying to force a big jacket over me.

“What if Harry takes you?”

“Excuse me?” Harry said loudly with his eyes glued to the television. Him and Niall were racing on Mario Kart and with Niall’s constant whining, it sounded like Harry was winning. 

“You two do need more publicity,” Liam commented. 

“You two should do a twitcam later!” Zayn said as he walked in the living room, a bag of sun chips in his hands.

“That’s a great idea! Go buy yourself a cute outfit for later and clubbing tomorrow night!”

“On a school night?” I frowned at Liam. “I thought you were the more responsible one.” Liam smiled sheepishly at me and shrugged his shoulders.

“What time is it?” Niall said as he interrupted the conversation.

“About 6, why?” Louis said as he pulled out his phone.

“Shit! I got to go! Zayn, catch!” Niall threw the wii remote to Zayn who caught it with one hand, instantly getting back into the race.

“Where are you going?” Louis looked at him, his eyebrows pulling down to his forehead in confusion.

“Uh- no where! Bye guys!” Niall blushed and grabbed a hotel card and rushed out the door. I had a hunch he was going on that date with Abigail finally. I smiled widely as I turned back to the boys, the smile falling when Louis looked at me with his arms crossed.

“You are going shopping. Harry get your ass up before I hit you in the balls.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Harry finally looked over with horror written all over his face. “I need these babies!”

“FUCK YES!” Zayn stood up and started to dance, and by dance I meant pelvic thrusting.

“God damn it, Boobear! I lost!” Harry threw his controlled on the couch angrily before pouting. Louis walked over and stroked his hair before leaning in and whispering something in his ear. Harry’s eyebrows perked up as his eyes slid over to me.

“What?” I crossed my arms as Harry smirked at me. “Louis, what the hell did you just say to him?”

“Come on babe,” Harry cut off Louis and reached over to grab a big blue coat. “I’ll treat you real nice,” he purred as he got off the couch and walked over to me. 

“I don’t want to go shopping!”

“Are you sure you are a girl?” Harry smirked as I hit his arm.

“I am a girl!”

“Harry has a point,” Zayn pipped up.

“Liam! Do something!” I stuttered as the boys starting to verbally abuse me.

“Nah,” Liam looked over the couch and smiled at me. “I love you Chris!”

“I hate you all!” I turned on my heel and picked up the chunky black purse by the door and walked into the hallway. I love them to death but they sure did know how to get on my nerves. I heard the door close behind me and a hand grab mine.

“You know we’re kidding,” Harry leaned in and pecked my cheek. “But on the bright side, Louis gave us the keys to his car,” Harry wiggled his eyebrows as he held up Louis’s keys. “This is gonna be a fun ride.”

“Oh boy.” I said sarcastically as Harry tugged me down the hallway.

“You look cute today.” Harry said as we stepped into the elevator. “Very... sheek, babe,” he grinned. I looked down at my outfit. I had on a red sweater, light blue shorts with black tights, and white keds. 

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