He Accidentally Embarrasses/Insults You

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He Accidentally Embarrasses/Insults You

Harry - "Hey, babe," he rounded the corner into the kitchen, a towel slung low on the column of his hips, "I think I figured out why we couldn't do that thing last night..."

"Harry," you cleared your throat as he swept past you, one hand angling the fridge open, the other making waves through his unruly curls.

"...I was thinking about it in the shower..."

"Harry, my-"

"...we just need more lube. I'll pick some up today, babe. What's your favourite flavour again, mint?"

"Harry!" You blushed crimson when he finally turned, the wide set of his eyes landing on you, seated at the kitchen table with your mother, her mouth agape in something you assumed was horror.

Liam - "Babe, are we ordering in or what?" He called up the stairs, hanging off the railing.

"Yep, can I grab the large barbeque with a medium garlic bread, babe?" You jogged down the stairs in your sweats, fastening the tie as you reached the landing.

"Seriously?" The phone hung limp in his hand, "after the big lunch you had..."

You were thrown aback. "I'm... I'm sorry... you're right," you mumbled, bowing your head, embarrassment blazing in the form of a flush upon your cheeks.

"Aw, baby, no," Liam quickly took you under his shoulder, "I didn't meant it like that. I love you and your appetite, you're beautiful."

"Thanks," you smiled, unsure for the moment before you relaxed.

Louis - you set your lipstick down, feeling for the moment like you were ready. "Babe, are you coming or what?" Louis groaned through the bathroom door.

"Yep, just give me a second," you fluffed parts of your hair, flattening lines in the dress you'd spent five hours picking out, smiling at the reflection you'd spent forty five minutes on. You grabbed your purse and exited the bathroom.

"Very funny, babe," Louis smirked when he saw you.

"What?" Your expression faltered.

"All that make up," Louis struggled not laugh, hands resting in his pockets, "you look like a clown."

"I..." you turned on your heel and marched back into the bathroom, slamming the door as you went.

"Damn, love, I didn't mean it!" Louis hurried after you, opening the door and settling into the tiled room, "I'm sorry, it was a bad joke. I love you. You look incredible."

Zayn - "It was the funniest thing last night," Zayn laid down his bottle of beer, "(Y/N) and I were watching TV, right? And... I don't even, (Y/N), can you remember what we were watching?"

He glanced away from the rest of the boys he was seated at the table with, searching for you on the other side of the living room.

"Um, no..." you shrugged back, sniffing with your hands around the firm cover of a book.

"God, you can't remember anything, can you?" Zayn snapped for a second, raising his beer bottle again, and turning to rowdy laughter emitted by the boys.

"Ouch," you reeled back in the armchair, looking over to where Zayn was lazily sitting.

"Oh, I'm sorry, babe," he noticed that your eyes had fallen, hurrying out of his seat, moving towards you, "I didn't mean it, babe," he murmured in your ear when he reached you, "I'm just goofing with the guys. I love you, you know that."

"Love you too, Malik," you smirked as he left a moist kiss above your ear, "God knows why, but I love you."

Niall - you shifted with another hat in your hands. "What do you think about this one?" You perched it atop your head and turned to Niall.

"I don't know, babe... that colour isn't really good on you..."

"Oh," you tugged the hat off quickly, biting your lip as you hastened to put it back on the shelf, "that's alright, then. I just won't buy one, maybe..."

"Oh, no, baby," he took your hand and spun you around when you tried to turn, "it's not you, it's the hat, I swear. I just think you look so much prettier in colours that show off your eyes, love." You allowed yourself a smile and perched a kiss on his lips, "this is why I love you, Horan."

"Love you too," he grinned, reaching for another hat and flattening it over your head.

QOTD: What's your birthstone?

A: Sapphire

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