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Zayn: "[Y/N], let's get them to leave." He whispered in your ear. The other boys were over, hanging out. "Zayn! They're our guests." You told him. "They're just the guys, so what? I'll kick them out." He smiled. You playfully hit him. "No! Be nice!" The other boys looked. "...are you guys okay?" Harry asked. You smiled. "Yeah, I just need to talk to Zayn in private." You looked at him. "Oooooooh." The boys said in unison. You two walked down the hall where no one could see you. "Come on, let's get them out of here." He whispered and brushed his fingers through your hair, pulling you closer. You sighed. "Why?" You said, and put your hands on his chest, slowly moving downwards. "So we can do this?" You asked, kissing his neck. "Yesss..." He groaned, pulling you closer. You looked up and smiled. "Too bad, guess you'll have to wait till later." You winked and walked back to the boys. 

Harry: You two were going out to dinner for your anniversary, to a very expensive and fancy restaurant. You decided to bring out your favorite, and Harry's favorite, little black dress. You were finishing your hair when Harry walked in the bathroom. "" His jaw dropped. "You don't look so bad yourself." You winked. He pulled you close to him. "You look so sexy." He wrapped his arms around your waist. He bent down and whispered in your ear. "but I bet you'd look even better with that dress off." And smirked as her started kissing your neck. "Harry, we're going to miss our reservation!" You laughed. "We can just... skip dinner. I don't mind." He moaned, putting his hands on the straps of your dress, sliding them down. "Oh really?" You said as you pressed your lips onto his. He wrapped your legs around his waist and picked you up. You jumped down. "But really, we're gonna be late." You laughed. "Ugh, seriously?" He groaned, and you practically dragged him to the car.

Liam: You brought Liam to a family party so you could introduce him to everyone. It was at your rich aunts house, and everyone was all dressed up. "You look... perfect." Liam whispered in your ear after clearly checking you out. You laughed but hit his shoulder. "Shh." She said and then introduced you to her aunt. "This is Liam, my boyfriend!" You said. He put his hand on your waist, but you pulled it off, giving him a look. He kept trying to touch you, and you'd slap his hand. Finally, you took him in private. "Liam! Calm down, this is my family!" You told him sternly. "I-I'm sorry." He said. You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips onto his, playing with his hair. You moved down and started kissing his neck, and he was moving his hands down on your waist. "[Y/N].." He moaned. You pulled away. "Now excuse me, I have to go talk to my family before they notice we're missing." 

Louis: You two were shopping and you were modeling an outfit. "You're so sexy." He whispered. You looked around, and then sneakily pulled him into your dressing room. His lips immediately crashed onto yours, fumbling for your clothes. "Louis, not here." You laughed. "Come on." He pouted. You put your hands on his chest, but quickly moved them down, while kissing his neck. His hands were on your waist, feeling for a zipper. He slowly took off your outfit, and when you were in your underwear you pulled away. "Good, now I can try on my next outfit!" You laughed and grabbed it from the hanger. Louis' jaw dropped. "What? Come on!" He groaned, and you smirked.

Niall: You were at an awards show together. "This is sooooo boring." He whispered in your ear. "Let's ditch." He smirked. You looked around and saw a camera pointing at you two. You smiled and ignored him. "Come on.." He groaned. "You look so hot in that dress." You still ignored him, knowing you were being recorded. "I have to use the bathroom." You announced, and got up, winking at him. A few minutes later, he got up, and met you outside the bathrooms. You walked in and made sure it was empty, before pulling him inside, making sure no one was watching. You pressed your lips onto his and slid your hands under his suit jacket. He tightened his grip on your tight dress and pulled you up around his waist. You kissed for awhile before you pulled away. "I have to go before they notice I'm gone." you winked. "Wait! Why don't we just leave?" He moaned. You kissed him one more time. "Wait a few minutes and then sneak back inside." You laughed, and he pouted.

QOTD: Do you care whether your socks match or not?

A: Not really tbh

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