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Liam: "Next song we're going back to the classics!" Liam cheers into the microphone, giving the crowd a bright smile. The crowd cheers and Harry gives you a nod, signalling for you to come on stage. You'd confided in him about your plot to sneak up and he'd been happy to help. As soon as the fans spot you, the crowd gets even louder and goes wild, cheering you and Liam's ship name. Liam looks genuinely confused, but the smile never leaves his face. The other four boys turn to you and wave, Liam raises an eyebrow and spins, seeing you and laughing into the microphone. "Looks like we've got a special appearance!" he booms, making the audience go even more wild. You run over to him and he catches you in a hug, whispering "I love you, what a lovely surprise," in your ear. The fans are absolutely wild, pleased to witness your surprised visit. "I'll see you after the show," you smile, kissing his cheek before skipping back offstage to let them finish. 

Harry: As soon as Harry's WMYB solo nears, Louis quickly sneaks offstage and greets you with a smile, pulling you onto the stage. Seeing how much Harry'd been missing you, he'd flown you out to the show and had planned for you to surprise him. How better to surprise him than during a concert? "Glad you made it, love!" Louis gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and hands you his microphone, the two of you coming back in front of the crowd causing wild applause. "You light up my world like nobody else..." Harry sings, keeping his eyes focused on crowd. "The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed," you sing into the microphone, causing Harry to turn around with surprise, a smile filling his face. He continues singing, you singing with him and makes his way across the stage, snaking his arm around your waist. He waits until the song ends before giving you a kiss right on the lips in front of all (causing a lot of awws and cries of jealousy) and he shoots Lou a grateful look, knowing he must've been behind this. 

Niall: "Next twitter question is from...Josh?" Niall holds the microphone to his lips and looks at the screen, then to the familiar drummer. Josh raises his drumstick and laughs, nodding to the screen. "Aye, Mr.Devine's question is 'What would you do if (Y/N) was here right now, Niall?'," he reads, giving his drummer friend a smile. "Well, Josh. If she was here I'd give her a big big hug and a kiss and tell her I missed her," he smiles sadly, shaking his head. "Then do it now!" Liam and Zayn shout into the microphone, your cue to come on stage. You come running across the stage and Niall's face lights up. He runs to meet you and wraps you in his arms, burying his face in your neck. "I missed you so much," he murmurs, the audience erupting into a chorus of 'Awws'. "I missed you too, babe!" you smile, kissing his nose. "Josh and the boys planned this and, ah! I missed you!" 

Louis: "This is going to be the best lyric change ever," Niall whispers to Liam giddily, tapping his foot. "Lou's going to be so happy," Liam whispers back, watching the Doncaster boy mess with Harry on stage. His smile had lacked a certain kind of luster lately, the boys could tell he'd been missing you. You peer onto the stage from behind the curtain, your heart pounding with excitement. "I tried playing it cool, but when Lou's looking at (Y/N), he can't ever be brave. 'Cause she makes his heart race," Liam sings as One Thing begins to play. Louis looks confused, but smiles anyway, nodding along. "Shot him out of the sky," Harry sings, pointing to Lou. "(Y/N) is his kryptonite. She keeps making him we-eak, yeah frozen and can't breathe." Louis raises an eyebrow but smiles, keeping up with his harmonizing. The boys continue changing lyrics with your name until halfway through the song when you run onto the stage and sneak behind Louis, tapping him on the shoulder. "You sneaky bastards!" Lou exclaims, shaking his head giddily at his four bandmates. They all laugh and the fans cheer as Louis gathers you in his arms, giving you a kiss like no one's watching (even though thousands of fans are...with cameras) 

Zayn: "So during Harry's WMYB solo we're going to rip his shirt open again, yeah?" Zayn laughs and confirms his plan with Liam. Liam gives a slow nod but gives Harry a secret wink, which is returned with a dimpled-grin and a nod. As the concert goes on, Zayn is still clueless for the surprise the other boys have waiting for him. You excitedly watch from the front row, right in front of the stage, careful to keep your hat and sunglasses on so Zayn doesn't recognize you. As Harry's solo approaches and the Ziam pair sneak on either side of him, Harry freezes and raises his hands. "Whoa! Whoa! Stop the music!" he says dramatically, the music coming to a halt. Zayn looks confused, but the other boys (and the band) play along. "I know Ziam planned on ripping off my shirt again," he laughs, shaking his head. "But I thought the prank should be on Zayn instead." Harry and Liam run over to the front of the stage to where you stand and Zayn watches curiously. "Come on up, (Y/N)!" Liam shouts, him and Harry hoisting you on stage. "(Y/N)!" Zayn exclaims happily, shaking his head in disbelief. "In the flesh!" you reply, running over to meet him in a hug. "Aw! Look at those two!" Liam coos into the microphone, wrapping his arm around Niall. "Almost as cute as Niam, right?" The crowd cheers as Niall gives Liam a kiss on the cheek, causing enough distraction so you and Zayn could sneak into the shadows of the stage and have a proper kiss.

Hi i'm making another One Direction Preferences !!!! It is called One Direction Preferences Part 2 !!!! Check it out !!!!! :)

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