You overhear him talking bad about you to the boys

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You overhear him talking bad about you to the boys

Niall: "- I just don't know what's gotten into (Y/N)," you freeze with your hand on the door handle as you hear Niall say your name. Holding your breath, you wait for him to go on, "We used to have a laugh all the time, and now she never wants to go out and she's all serious all the time,". "Niall and his pints," Louis laughs while Liam chimes in, sounding concerned, "Are you sure nothings going on with her?". "Nah," Niall brushes off, "She always just comes out with it when something's wrong. God knows what's got into her,". You turn away, and it's not until you're stood outside the building and you let out a shaky sigh that you realise you'd been holding your breath the whole time. Later that evening Niall walks into the bedroom while you're putting the finishing touches to your make-up. "Why're you all dressed up like that?" he looks at you confused, unzipping his hoodie. "Going out," you mumble back, not paying him any attention as you move over to the wardrobe to pick out some heels. "But I thought we were going to have a movie night? Order pizza?" you can't help but scoff at his response. "Wouldn't want to bore you now would I Niall?" you jibe sarcastically, heading to leave, but he catches your wrist stopping you. "What do you mean? You're not boring. What are you doing?" he looks at you desperately, pulling you closer to him. "I heard you talking to the others Niall," you glare at him pointedly, "About how I used to be a laugh but now i'm all serious. Thanks for that by the way,". His eyes widen at your words, and he clutches for your waist as you try to get away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I just - i'm sorry,". You tilt your head to the side, hearing the sincerity in his voice, "I didn't know you wanted to go out all the time, I thought we were both happy to go out sometimes and stay in sometimes?". "We are, I do. I'm sorry, I don't know why I said it," he kisses your cheek, "I get if you still want to go out, I don't blame you - but the offer of movie night is still there,". You smile slightly, leaning in to kiss him gently, "Go get the pizza ordered,".

Harry: "- and El's going crazy about what to wear," Louis laughs, then adds, "She's really looking forward to meeting (Y/N) though - she's coming tomorrow right?". You pause as you step through the front door, hearing your name mentioned in the kitchen, tilting your head to hear a more clearly. "No," Harry states bluntly, "You know she never comes to stuff like that,". "I thought she would be?" Louis counters, voice full of concern for his best friend, "This award show is a big deal for us,". "I know," Harry sighs, "I don't even know how serious this relationship with her can get - this is a big part of my life and she doesn't even want to have anything to do with it. How on earth are we meant to stay together when we have that to deal with?". You wipe away a tear that had escaped down your cheek before stepping into the apartment and closing the door softly as you can behind you, and you head towards the bedroom, hoping they won't have heard you. They must have though as their conversation ceases, and Harry's head appears in the doorway, catching sight of your tear stained cheeks before you're quick enough to turn your head. "Lou," Harry calls behind him, not taking his eyes off you as you head into the bedroom with as much dignity as you can muster, "I'll catch up with you tomorrow yeah?". Obviously taking the hint, you hear Louis head out the door, muttering a quiet, "See ya (Y/N)," as he goes. Harry sits down on the edge of the bed and watches you as you take off you make up and undo your hair, trying your best not to let your emotions overwhelm you. "Are you going to talk to me?" he mutters eventually breaking the silence. You sniff, mumbling back, "Apparently it's you who has some talking to do,". He sighs, moving to stand behind you, his hands gently on your shoulders watching your face through the mirror, "I'm sorry you had to hear it like that (Y/N), I really am. But I can't pretend i've not been thinking about it,". "Well stop thinking about it and talk to me about it," you look at him desperately, voice strained, "Because if we can't even do that then we obviously have no chance at a future together,". He spins you around on the stool til you're facing him, "I love you (Y/N), and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but it's hard. It's like you want nothing to do with one side of my life, and I know it's difficult being in the public eye, trust me I do," the desperation in his eyes matches yours now, "But it's such a massive part of my life, and how can we be really truly serious if you'll only be in a little bit of my life?". You sigh in relief at the fact he's not mad at you, and you lean into him, wrapping your arms round his waist. "I want to be part of your whole life Harry, I love you. It's just - when we were starting off, I was scared people would accuse me of just being with you for your money and fame if I did all those things with you," you explain, the sincerity in your voice almost piercing, "So I just, didn't.". He leans down to kiss the top of your head and then smiles, "Ok, well we both know you're not, and thats all that matters," he takes your hand in his, "Would you like to accompany me to the awards tomorrow?". You wipe your cheeks, smiling and you nod furiously.

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