He pranks you

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He pranks you

Louis: Louis woke you up early in the morning. He asked you to meet him outside by the pool. Thinking nothing of it, you got dressed and went outside to see him peering into the pool between the lawn chairs. "What's up, Lou?" You asked and he turned around. He beckoned you over, "I'm not sure what's in it, but I came outside and it was floating there!" You walked toward him, confused. When you reached the lawn chairs, your foot caught on string and you tumbled into the pool. Surfacing, you heard Louis laughing, saying, "I got you! I got you! Blimey, that was funny!" You wiped your eyes, sputtering water. "Louis! Why would you do that?! I'm so angry at you! Help me out, now!" Louis controlled himself, "I'm sorry, babe, I'm sorry! It was just so funny!" He crouched down and held out his hand to you. Grabbing it, you pulled him into the water with you, giggling. When he came up, you were both laughing, and you planted a kiss on his lips.

Liam: "Liam, why can't you ever help me with the dishes? It's ridiculous!" You heard your boyfriend yell from the other room, "Love, I'm in the middle of Toy Story! Give me a second!" You sighed and turned to the sink. Looking at the mound of dishes, you shook your head and turned on the water as Liam entered the room. You shrieked when freezing water blasted your face, and then doused the rest of you. You fumbled with the knob, finally turning off the water. Drenched, you gasped for air, and saw Liam giggling. He noticed your anger, and ran over to you, apologizing over and over, and kissing every inch of your face. As this was happening, you turned the sprayer toward him, made sure the rubber band was still attached, and turned it on. Soon, you and Liam were having a water war.

Zayn: You were in the bathroom taking out your contacts before you went to bed. The door was closed and you had terrible vision when you weren't wearing your glasses or contacts. Zayn was in the bedroom, laying on the bed and watching tv. You heard noise on the other side of the door. "Zayn? Are you alright?" He spoke just outside of the door, "Yeah, you coming to bed soon, baby?" You said yes and walked toward the door. You opened it and saw his smiling face on the other side. Walking forward, you ran into Saran Wrap. He had taped it to either wall so you would run into it. He was laughing, and you were practically yelling while tearing at the wrap, "Zayn! Get this off!" Zayn continued laughing, "Okay! I'm sorry! I just thought it would be funny! Well, I think it's funny!" He tore off the tape so you could walk through the doorway. You charged at him and tackled him, beginning a very long wrestling match.

Harry: "Hey, babe, come over here for a second, I have a cool trick to show you!" You followed his voice into the kitchen where he had two glasses full of water on the counter. You sat on the stool and looked at him, waiting. He placed his hand face down and placed one glass on top of it. "I can balance these on both hands for five seconds! Here, put the other one of my other hand." Doing so, you said, "There's no way you can do this!" Harry smirked while you counted to five. You took them off of his hands and he said, "I bet you can't do that, love!" You replied, "Of course I can, watch." He put the glasses on your hands and walked away. You counted to five and called after him. "Harry! I did it! I told you I could!" When he didn't come back, you said, "Harry! I can't get these off of my hands, I need your help!" Realizing his prank, you let a glass fall gently into the sink and went after him with the other one. When you saw his face, which was red from laughing, you threw the water in his face. He shook his head and kissed you, apologizing for the prank, which he had hoped would turn out better!

Niall: You walked out of the shower in the evening and wrapped a towel around you. Walking out, you put on pajamas and walked back in to blow dry your hair. Niall stood in the doorway, watching you, which wasn't unusual. He was smiling as you turned on the blow dryer. Flour pelted you in the face and stuck in your hair. Shocked, you dropped the blow dryer, flour still spewing from it. You heard Niall's distinct laugh and turned to him. You crossed your arms as he simply looked at you and laughed, "That was a good one, admit it!" You walked next to him and shook your hair out so the flour flew over him as well. Since then, you two have been in a constant pranking war!

QOTD: Favorite 90s movie?

A: Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead

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