You accidentally see his willy

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You accidentally see his willy

Liam: "You guys are too much" you say slapping your knee in a fit of laughter. The boys had invited you over for a get together, in your books, another excuse to see your best friends. Charades was getting funnier by the drink, and the boys were bringing humour to a whole knew level. "Alright lads, how about we keep it down" Liam suggests only to be drowned out by the rowdy boys who didn't want the night to end. "Guys, I think we should put the games on hold for a little bit" he says again. "Awe is Li-Li getting tired?" Niall asks in a childish voice. "No, but I got a call from the neighbours to shut up" he explains. The boys huff and puff while you step in. "Now boys, don't give him a hard time, he's taking care of you" you help Liam clear off the table, while the other boys huddle up and whisper to themselves. "It's alright Li, it's just the alcohol talking" you assure him as you hear the giggles from the other room. "I hate ruining their fun, but we don't need any trouble" he sighs, smiling although slightly worried. "Don't worry Li, their payback will be a prank, knowing them" you both giggle as you come back only to find Zayn seated on the couch. "Pee break" he explains the absence of the missing boys. You hear the the hurried footstep of 3 boys and in a swift move, his trousers hit the floor. As the other boys celebrate their cleverness, the laughter erupts more when the sudden realization that Liam's boxers had gone down to his ankles as well. "His snakes out!" Harry laughs clutching his stomach being joined by the other boys. You can't help but eye up Liam's manhood in complete shock. "Now I know why his last names Payne" you say without realizing it. Liam grabs a pillow to cover up his over exposed area, slowly backing out of the room to retrieve his trousers. "It's true" the boys agree with you as a Liam returns with burning red cheeks. "Thanks" he says shyly to all the compliments about his mini me. "So how about charades?" he suggests trying to move on from the incident. "Be proud Li, be proud" you smile while setting up for charades yet again.

Louis: "Do you want to come over later?" Louis asked at the end of a very long phone call between the two of you. You two met at your best friends party and had bonded fairly quickly, and had become very close friends yourself. "Sure thing, I'll bring food for you and curly" you tell him, knowing Harry's ease dropping by this point. "MY SAVIOUR" Harry screams into the phone. "CURLY, I'M GOING TO GET YOU" Lou answers back before hanging up the phone. "Those boys" you smile to yourself while waiting a bit before ordering food and seeing your boys. An hour later you were on your way to pick up food, and your best friend just happened to be working. "Hey [Y/N], where you headed?" she asked curiously stuffing your food into a brown paper bag. "Just off to Lou's" you say happily as your friend gets a huge smirk on her face. "Your welcome" she says cockily, knowing she's the reason you two had become so close. "Oh shut up and give me a hug before I go" you say jokingly as she reaches over the counter for a quick embrace and hands you your food. Just before you leave she calls out "have fun tonight, animal" you roll your eyes and continue onto Lou's house. "House keeping" you say while knocking on the door. You hear quick footsteps approach the door, and see Harry with a huge grin. "Oh hello you" he says cheekily, joking around with you. You two go to the kitchen to get the food set up. "Wheres Lou, he's usually trailing into the kitchen by now" you say, knowing how much Lou loved Italian food. "Hmm, check his room?" Haz offers, taking care of the rest of the food. "Whatever you say curly" you smirk walking out to find your blue eyed friend. You walk to his room but can't find him, until you hear his little mumbles from down the hall. You knock on the bathroom door only for it to fly open, just at the same time Lou steps out of the shower. "Oh.." you say tilting your head staring down at Lou's willy. "Hi [Y/N], wasn't expecting you in here" he teases, grabbing a towel. You walk out closing the door behind you, still shocked. You go to the kitchen to eat away your thoughts, but Harry reads your face like a book. "Saw his willy" he chuckles. "Yeah, it's uhm, larger then I expected" you say as pink over takes your cheeks. "Tommo packs a punch" Lou says strolling into the kitchen. "Just because it's big doesn't mean your ego gets to be to" you say jokingly as the three of you erupt into laughter.

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