he talks about liking you to the boys

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he talks about liking you to the boys

NiallNiall and the boys were jamming in his living room while you got ready to go out. You six had practically become inseparable, but while you liked them all, you really liked Niall. You were hoping, eventually, he would make a move. As you got your dress on, you could hear Niall playing guitar. “Now that she’s back in the atmosphere with drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey. She acts like summer and walks like rain, reminds me that there’s time to change” Niall sang, and you held your heels in your hand as you slid down his hall. You loved listening to him sing and play guitar, but he would never do it in front of you. “Wow, stop singing about Y/N” Liam laughed, and you could imagine Niall’s rosy cheeks. “I am not!” Niall said, stopping his strumming much to your disappointment. “You don’t need to lie about it, we all know you’re into her” Zayn chuckled, and you smirked. “She’s cool. That’s it” Niall responded. “So cool you were telling me how you just wanted to kiss her last weekend at the movies. And it took everything for you to hold back?” Louis laughed, and you heard Niall smack his chest. “Shhhh! She’s going to hear” Niall demanded, and the boys all laughed. “Look, Niall, make a move. She has had how many guys ask her out since we’ve met her? But she keeps saying no. No girl says no that many times to a first date unless she already has someone in mind” Harry advised. “So, you think I should say something? I have liked her for so long…” Niall trailed off, and you heard someone get up. You rushed back to Niall’s room, and put on your heels. That night, Niall pulled you aside and told you how he really felt. You told him you felt the same, and you two started dating that night.

Zayn: You woke up to a familiar sight, the light grey walls of Zayn’s spare bedroom. You had been at his house last night, having a few drinks and watching movies, and decided to stay over. You and Zayn were just friends, unfortunately, so you set up camp in his spare room. You looked back at the clock and saw it was 2:30 pm. You heard laughing from the den, and remembered that Zayn had been having Harry and Liam over. “Shoot” you whispered, and you fixed your hair the best you could. You grabbed one of Zayn’s sweaters that he kept in the spare room closet, and threw on your jeans. You went to sneak across the hall to the bathroom when you heard Harry say you’re name. “So Y/N spent the night huh?” Harry laughed, and you could see Zayn through the doorway shake his head. “It’s not like that, she’s not into me” he said, and your jaw dropped. You? Not into him? What was he talking about. “Have you even asked her?” Liam said, and you nodded. Liam was always the voice of reason. “I didn’t just come out with it, but she hasn’t even tried to be romantic with me. I don’t know. I think she and I will just be friends” Zayn said, clearly defeated, and you felt bad. “Mate, Y/N is a gorgeous girl. You need to say something, or she will be the one that got away forever” Harry said. You smirked to yourself. “Should I say something now, do you think?” Zayn asked, and you cringed before tip toeing to the bathroom. You turned on the shower and washed your body, your mind racing. Luckily, you had packed an overnight bag just in case, and you were able to fix your hair and makeup. When you walked out, Zayn was perched on a kitchen chair. He sat you down and confessed how he felt. You smiled, and told him you were in the same boat. You two went on your first official date ten minutes later.

Harry: “Hello?!” you shouted into your phone. Harry must have pocket dialed you, because you could hear him and the boys talking in the background. They were out of town for the weekend, and it was the first weekend you two had spent apart since meeting each other a month ago. You kind of missed him a lot, but you weren’t telling him that. “I don’t know dude, she doesn’t want a boyfriend right now” you heard Harry say, and your heart sunk. You were about to hang up, when Louis chimed in. “You know Y/N is into you. Stop being a buffoon” he said, and you smirked. They were talking about you and Harry, and that was something you wanted to hear. “I don’t know Lou, she’s an independent girl. She doesn’t need me” Harry said, and you shook your head. “Yes I do” you said aloud, before covering your mouth. “No one is saying she does need you, Harold. What I’m saying is she likes you. I mean, she probably doesn’t sit and stare at photos of you like you do to her, but she definitely likes you. And you adore her. But Y/N is the type of girl that gets pulled off the market quick, she won’t wait around” Louis cautioned. “I’m going to call her” Harry said, and you hit end at lightning speed. You sat with your phone in your lap and waited for it to ring. After about thirty seconds, it did. You let it ring twice before you picked it up, trying not to look to eager. Harry updated you on his trip, then started talking about what it would be like if you two dated. You told him you thought it would be fun, and he asked you to dinner the next week,

Liam: You were over, visiting with the boys, after a very early morning at work. You ended up passing out on Liam’s lap while watching a movie. It ended, and you felt yourself waking up. You were going to sit up, but you were so comfortable. Laying with Liam, him stroking your hair, felt perfect. “Wow, if it isn’t England’s future sweethearts” Niall said, and you squinted your eyes to see him pretending to take pictures. “Stop, she’s sleeping” Liam said, putting his hand protectively over your ear. “You’re such a nice boyfriend” Zayn whispered, and it took everything for you not to smile. “I wish” Liam said, and you went from giggly to shock, but remained expressionless. “Well, we have told you before, you need to say something to sleeping beauty” Harry said, and Liam sighed. “How do I bring it up without ruining our friendship?” he asked, and you could tell he tormented. You wished he wasn’t, there was nothing you wanted more than to be with him. “Liam, you can’t carry on pretending she’s just a friend. Eventually it would ruin you two anyways. Mine as well go for it” Louis said, and Liam hummed in agreement. The boys filed out, and you ‘woke up’ and looked up at Liam. “I like you” he blurted out, and you smiled. You told him you liked him too, and he was so relieved. You went to go get your things so he could drive you home, and you could hear him on the phone with the boys.

Louis: Louis and the boys were over at your place to play video games and eat. It had become pretty common for you to hang out with One Direction, and you didn’t get worked up like you used to. Well, you did, but in a different way. You really liked Louis. And you weren’t sure how he felt about you, but you really hoped it was the same. You brought the boys nachos before going to the bathroom. You were washing your hands when you realized you could hear the boys through the vent. You got down on the floor to listen. “Jeeze Lou, your girlfriend’s a good cook” Niall said, and you smirked. “She isn’t my girlfriend” Louis said, bitterly, and you frowned. “She is in your dreams though, right?” Harry laughed, and Louis groaned. “He slept at my house a week ago and talked about her all night. ‘Y/N, I love you’ ‘We can be together forever Y/N’” Harry said, and you blushed. You dreamt of Louis all the time. “So what? Who cares? We’re friends, nothing more” Louis said, and you could hear him stomping away. “You could change that! You just need to say something” Liam called after him. “Tell her how you feel!” Zayn shouted as you heard Louis coming up the stairs. You quickly fixed your hair when you heard Louis knock on the door. You swung it open and Louis was standing there, clearly with a lot on his mind. He took a deep breath, and started rambling about how much he liked you. All you could do was smile until he finished. When he looked to you for a response, you simply replied ‘Ditto’. Louis hugged you and the boys, who were eavesdropping from the stairs, shouted a chorus of ‘Finally’.

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