The boys think of you as a sister, but starts to have feelings for you

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You were Simon's daughter, and had known the boys since they got signed. You were very close to them considering that you often goofed off with them in the studio. You always thought Harry was a cutie, but you weren't sure how your dad would feel about it. One day in the studio while waiting for Zayn to show up (Mr. always late) so you and the other 4 boys decided to play a quick game of truth or dare. "Playing (Y/N)?" Niall asked. "Nope, every time I play truth or dare, something happens and things get all awkward" you explained. "Oh come on (Y/N) it'll be funnnn" Harry said flashing his gorgeous smile at you. You couldn't say no to that damn smile. "Fine Mr. charmer, you're going first" you said sassily. "Describe me in 5 words" you asked after Harry said truth. " Ok, caring, cute, funny, weird, and...annoying" he teased. "Hey!" You said slapping his arm and pouting. "I'm just kidding love, my 5th word is...rem...close" he said. The rest of the boys started laughing obnoxiously. "Oh I didn't know you and (Y/N) had that kind of relationship." Louis laughed. It took a second for Harry to understand why his wording was so funny. "Oh no. I didn't mean that kind of close, I mean as like....we're close with each other...uh...she like a sister to me..." he said, trying to save himself. But the boys were still laughing. "See I told you truth or dare always gets awkward..." you trailed off. "So (Y/N) truth or dare?" Niall said. "Dare." you said simply. "Kiss Harry right now, since you know, you guys are soooo close" Niall demanded. Your eyes widened and you looked over at Harry, he was smiling cheekily at you. Before you could even protest Harry had pressed his warm lips to yours, and there was a feeling you never wanted to let go of.


You and Niall went to the same high school. You were a freshman when he was a senior. You both had decided to take art that year as your elective, and the teacher had sat you next to each other. As the year progressed the two of you become close friends. "I'm sorry but that has to be the worst fish I've ever seen" you giggled referring to his painting of a red fish (which looked more like a hand). "Oh well you're no Picasso either." he countered. "Shut up" you laughed, while going to dip your paintbrush in for more red paint. But then the brush accidentally swiped across Niall's arm. "Hey!" he yelled. "Oops! It was an accident I swear" you said, you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh you're gonna get it" he said before he started to chase you around the classroom, a cup of green paint ready. He caught you and painted his name onto your arm. "(Y/N)!! Niall!! Detention for being off task!" You teacher yelled. You and Niall laughed it off. When the end of the day came and it was time for you both to go to detention, you overheard Niall talking to one of his friends while walking towards the classroom. "Hey, Ni do you like that freshman girl?" "Who (Y/N)?" "yeah..." "um no-well actually I don't know man, maybe" he admits not knowing you were right around the corner, hanging onto his every word.


"What are you talking about I could take you down, on the court" you boasted. "Um no that's what you think, I'm the best basketball player you'll ever know" Liam argued. "No I'm gonna beat your ass, the same way I beat your ass at tennis" you laughed. "Ok that was one time and I let you win" "that's what every loser says to a winner...let's just do this" you say, determined. "Let's make this a bet shall we?" he offered. "If I win you have to give me a piggy back ride when ever I want and call me princess (Y/N)" you told him. He burst out laughing. " Uh ok...but when I win you have to make me food anytime I want it" he told you. You raised your eyebrows, "I guess we have a deal...". The two of you made your way to the nearest basketball court and started to play one on one. Liam's height gave him quite an advantage over you, as he was atleast 8 inches taller than you. "Oh my god, you're so adorable" he laughed as you reached your arms up in attempt to block his shot. You took this opportunity, while Liam was distracted, to steal the ball and run to the other side of the court where you scored. Liam was speechless. "Oh its on (Y/N)" he said. It ended up being a close game, but you had won by 2 points. "I'm not gonna lie (Y/N), you're good" he admitted, panting. "That's princess (Y/N) to you mr." you laughed, sticking your tongue out. "I'm sorry, princess" Liam said smiling. But they way he said it wasn't like he was annoyed that he'd have to call you that all day.  He made it sound sweet, as of you'd always beenhis princess. You blushed, and he pretended not to notice. "Piggy back your majesty?" he offered. You nodded.


You had known Louis since birth; he was 4 when you were born. Your fathers were best friends, and later the two of you were bestfriends too. Ever since you were about 7 and he was about 11 you both knew you wanted to own a flat in London that you could share. Every once in a while, like today, you would get asked if you were dating. "No, we're just friends" Louis said back to your waiter who was wondering. "Just friends?!?!" you said. Louis gave you a confused look "yes...". "I'm sorry Louis, I thought we were best friends but we aren't apparently, I see how it is" you said jokingly, pretending to be angry. "I'm sorry, please forgive me, we are best friends" he said. "Fine Lou, I'll give you one more chance" you said sniffling. The two of you then burst into laughter. The waiter gave you a weird look and walked away. He must have thought you two were completely crazy (which you were). "It's crazy how many people think we're dating!" you said. "Yeah I know, but I'm sure they're just surprised that someone as handsome as me could be single" he said confidently. You rolled your eyes. "Have you ever thought about us dating?" he asked. Your eyes met his blue ones, "erm...yes" you admitted. He smiled warmly, "I have too-". "Yeah but I think your too old for me..." you cut him off trying to dismiss the subject along with the awkwardness that came with it. "Yeah, yeah..." he said, but what you didn't know was that he was going to ask you something before you cut him off, he was gonna ask you something that would change your life forever.


You were in high school, interning for music management and you were assigned to One Direction, a boy band that you weren't familiar with until then. It had been months since you first met them and you looked up to the 5 boys, they were just amazing. Zayn had always stuck out to you. You were lucky to meet the real him, as opposed to the bad boy persona which he was labeled as. 'Going out tonight with the boys, Danielle's birthday, coming??'  The text received from Zayn said. 'Sure. x' You replied. You put on a dark blue, body hugging dress with bright galaxy print heels, a smokey eyed makeup look, and straightened hair. Zayn texted you the address of the club and you met everyone there. "Hey (Y/N) y-you look great!" Zayn stuttered, taken aback from your appearance. You chuckled, "Someone's already started drinking" you joked. Zayn laughed and killed the awkwardness in the air. "You wanna dance?" He asked. You nodded and followed him to the dance floor. The two of you started to dance, inching closer and closer throughout the night. By the end of the night you were pressed up against him, his hands on your hips. You were both tipsy and laughing for no reason, dancing the night away.

QOTD: What is the sound you love the most?

A: Rain hitting things

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