you get high together

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you get high together

ZAYN: Zayn Malik was, well, known for his slight 'bad-boy' side. He had been spotted smoking numerous times, sometimes an innocent cigarette and other times, weed. Nonetheless, he was certainly surprised when you gained some confidence and told him that you wanted to try getting high with him - just for the experience, you said. Zayn's lips curled into a smirk and it surprised you, since you'd expected him to say no. The next day, you both woke slowly and took your time adjusting to the warm London sun in the middle of the year. No tours, just Zayn - you get get used to this. When the both of you had finally awoken properly, Zayn smirked as he handed you a joint, light smoke curling from the tip and disappearing into the air. Hesitantly, you pursed your lips around the end and breathed in deeply, your lightweight body feeling the effects after just a few drags. In just your undergarments, you and Zayn were slowly living the day with sloppy kisses, giggling fits and slow, lingering sex that you never wanted to forget.

LIAM: Much to Liam's dismay, you were known around the fanbase for your smoking habit that Mr. Payne wasn't all too keen on. You had compromised when you had first started dating, promising him that you wouldn't smoke in his company and you'd at least try to quit. Three months on and you were still huffing, though Liam was more or less used to it now. One afternoon you were sat on the couch of your apartment with a joint, breathing in the fumes and humming to yourself, Ed Sheeran playing on a loop in the background. You had always found that this was when you were most calm. When Liam burst through the door unexpectedly, back early from the studio, you jumped and rushed to put out the joint. His warm eyes glanced at you, expression unreadable as he studied your movement, your hand hovering above the ashtray on the coffee table. "Could I... try...?" Liam asked, voice filled with uncertainty. A wide smile broke out on your lips, amused at your boyfriend. "You want a joint?" you asked with disbelief, handing it to him. He coughed as he took a drag, doubling over and holding it out to you, curls bouncing as he shook his head wildly. He's never asked to try your drugs again since that day.

NIALL: What else would Niall Horan do whilst high but get the munchies? Smoking was a regular thing for the two of you and although there were many protests from friends and fans, you two enjoyed the mood that the drugs set. You would laugh manically at jokes that he'd crack, both of you beet red in the face until one day, Niall grabbed your hands and tugged you to the kitchen, immediately flying to the shelves and finding whatever he could. "I want cupcakes!" he howled, throwing a box of ready-made cupcake mix at you. You fumbled but caught it, laughing lightly. "No wait, cookies!" Niall's accent was always much thicker when he was under the influence and with your clouded brain, everything was hard to understand. "Ooh, what about brownies?" your boyfriend asked, turning to you with his arms filled with boxes of mixtures for various different foods. You shook your head but laughed, and the two of you spent the afternoon cooking everything that you had though when it came to eating, most of it was put in the refrigerator for later - your stomachs were aching after all that food and laughing!

LOUIS: You and Louis were both such gigglepots - even when you were completely sober. So, saying the least, you two were nuts when high. You both tore around your apartment, laughing and playing 'Chase Me' and various other energy-burning games. You were like children on a sugar high, eventually falling onto the floor in your room. "Should we make a pillow fort?" Louis asked you, cocking an eyebrow. Hours later, you had a less-than-perfect, droopy little fort to call your own. With the portable DVD player set up and a movie going, you were already growing bored. You moved quickly, pinning Lou down when he wasn't paying enough attention and straddling him, a devilish smirk on your lips as your slender fingers found his sides. "You ticklish, Louis?" you asked mischievously, and he was laughing too hard to protest. His hands attacked yours as you tickled him but to no avail - you had him.

HARRY: If Harry wasn't horny without weed, he certainly was when he had it. He made a show as soon as the high was with him, pulling you onto his lap with a dominant growl as his large hands roamed your body, eventually resting on your ass as he held you close. "You're so sexy," he murmured, voice low and scratchy. Shit, he was a turn-on when he was like that! His lips moved to your ear, tugging lightly at the lobe as his hot breath sent shivers over your pale skin. You always got like this when high, hands-y and hot, panting quickly as you worked to remove each-other's clothing - this time, however, you were cut short. You were about to remove your bra when the four other boys entered, Liam being the only one who left while the others doubled over laughing. Usually, you both would have been angry, but Harry's cackling along with his bandmates and your childish whining was too much for the boys. They were eustatic, clutching their sides as you stuck your bottom lip out and stamped your tiny feet, bouncing slightly on your heels to add emphasis. "We were gonna do it," you whined like a child. This earned many a tweet at your's and Harry's expense, the boys hell-bent on never letting you forget that moment.

QOTD: If you watch AHS, what seasons do you rank from most favorite to least favorite?

Favorite = 1st ///// Least favorite = 7th


1. Asylum

2. Hotel

3. Murder House

4. Cult

5. Freakshow

6. Roanoke

7. Coven

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