He Tries To Get Your Attention, But You're Oblivious

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He Tries To Get Your Attention, But You're Oblivious

Louis: He was on a roll, cracking jokes left and right with the boys. You finally arrive with the pizza they ask you to get on your way over. You walk in on them laughing, besides Louis, who looks at you brightly. "Hey (Y/N)!" You smile, which makes him smile. "Hey Lou, hey everyone else." "I feel so loved," Zayn said sarcastically. You laugh. This triggers Louis' senses. "Hey (Y/N), wanna hear a joke?" You roll your eyes playfully. Every time one of the boys made you laugh, Louis had to make another one to make you laugh harder. "Sure." "Okay, why did the mushroom go to the party?" You gave him a 'really?' look. The guys smirked in anticipation. "Because he was a fun-gi." Immediately, they burst out into laughter -except you. You lifted the corner of your lips and walk into Niall's kitchen with the pizza. You did hear him mutter, "Damn, I thought that would work!" to his friends and Liam telling him, "You'll get her one day, mate."

Niall: You're cooking pasta for your best friends, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam in your kitchen. They are all waiting patiently in the living room, playing video games. Everyone except Niall. You thought he was just being his usual hungry and impatient self, but he didn't seem the least bit interested in the food. (More like you.) "Need help?" he asked. "Yeah, you can stir while I pour the juice," You replied, wisking away to retrieve the kool-aid. Niall sighs and begins stirring while quietly staring at you as you gracefully pour juice in each cup. "Need help with that?" he asked again. You shook your head. "I got it, Nialler!" He keeps asking if you need help with the easiest things, so you finally tell him you guys can both stir the pasta. He seemed happy with that. "So..." he said, "Smells great." He was so nervous!

Liam: You were at Wet Seal when you suddenly see Liam and Niall across the aisle, laughing about something. "Hey guys," You say, seeing them turn around. Niall smirked while Liam blushed, but you hardly noticed. "What are you guys doing here?" "Looking for yo-" Niall's about to say, but Liam discreetly pinched his bum. "Ow, wow!" Niall screeched, his eyes going widen. You give him a weird look. "Are you okay?" "He's never better," Liam spoke, bumping Niall out the way. Niall took the hint and walked elsewhere. "But seriously, what are you guys doing here?" You ask curiously. "Um," Liam tries to make up an excuse. "Buying skirts!" "For?" "Um, my mum." You guys are standing around t-shirts. "I think the skirts are over there," You point to the other side of the store. "Right, bye." You barely heard him whisper, "I'm such an idiot," under his breath. You smile to yourself.

Zayn: After a mutual breakup with Zayn, you think you're finally ready date again. It's been a rocky month, but it was better for the both of you since he was always on tour, meeting beautiful girls. Your friends sets you up with her cousin, but what she and you both didn't know is how slobby he was. You're not judgemental, but he was eating with his hands at the dinner table. You were disgusted. Suddenly, you see Zayn and the boys sit at the table next to you. You don't think it's awkward to say hi, but apparently Zayn does when you excuse yourself from your date and walk over to them. "Hey guys," you say happily. "Hi Zayn!" "Hi (Y/N)!" They all reply. Zayn looks between your beaming face and your sleazy date before resting his eyes on you. "(Y/N), you look pretty." "Thanks, but I just came to say hi. Bye now!" Zayn watches you go, wanting to say something, but doesn't. For the rest of dinner, he tries to catch your eye. (He's successful 5/124 times!)

Harry: You were at a club with your best girl friends. You spot your other friend, Harry, at the bar. He's chatting up a red head, which you don't mind. You don't want to mess up his game, so you just order a drink and make sure Harry notices you. He's telling the girl goodbye, and turning his full attention on you the instant he hears your voice. His green eyes lock on you. "H-hey, (Y/N)!" You smile. "Hey yourself, why did you let that girl go?" Harry shrugs. "She wasn't very interesting." "Well, like my mum says, there's more fish in the sea!" You reply. "Yeah," he smiles softly, "There sure is.

QOTD: Do you have any siblings?

A: I have 1 older brother

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