he hears you sing/for the first time

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he hears you sing/for the first time

Liam: You arrived at the venue in the old, beat-up van that used to belong to your Uncle Casey. It held everything you would need for the next three months, or, everything that you would need that already had. You heart pounded as you met the tour director and he explained that you were going to do your sound check now, and then you could meet the headliners, One Direction. Your heart raced as you sang through two songs with the backing band. You thanked the tech crew, rushed offstage, chugged a bottle of water, and wiped the sweat of your forehead with a rag. And then you noticed Liam Payne, staring at you like you were an angel. You stopped mid-wipe and stared back. He cleared his throat and said shyly, "You have a really great voice, um. Would you, would you like to go out for dinner after the show?" You couldn't contain your smile as you accepted his offer. You knew this was going to be an awesome three months.

Zayn: You were stuck at your desk in the flat you and Zayn shared, furiously typing away at your term paper for English. You had Ed Sheeran softly playing the background, just to keep your mind from wandering. As your favorite Ed song, "Drunk," came on, you subconsciously began to sing along, having spent hours getting every word and tongue-twisting phrase correct a few months ago. As you finished singing the song, you heard soft, slow clapping behind you. Letting out a groan, you spun around in your chair and lifted one eyebrow towards your boyfriend. "Zayn, I hate it when you do that." He laughed and walked towards you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "What? Listen to you sing? It's so hard not to, [Y/N], you have the voice of an angel."

Louis: "To see, to sell, to get, to bring, to make, to lift, to go to - Louis, stop laughing at me!" You whine, cutting off the song mid-phrase. Louis laughed harder, getting up from his seat across the room. "I'm sorry, babe. You just, it's like you're reading the words in your head. Your eyes keep going from left to right and you were looking up. It's hilarious," he teased. You pouted huffily. "It's not my fault, blame Sondheim. It's impossible to remember all of those lyrics. I'll never get into the show." Louis tsked and tapped you chin, telling you to pick up your head. You tried to avoid his gaze, to hide the embarrassed tears in your eyes. "[Y/N], come on. With a voice like yours? Please, they'd be crazy not to cast you. Let's run it one more time. Focus on me," he winked. "If you can remember the words then, you're golden."

Niall: You had Justin Bieber's new album blasting through the flat as you cleaned. Niall was getting back from tour today and you were determined to have a sparkling flat and a three-course meal on the table when he got home. That being said...you hated cooking. And cleaning. You swept some hair off your face as you threw the last load of laundry into the dryer. You rushed to the kitchen next to prepare the dessert for tonight - raspberry cheescake - when your favorite song began to play. You squealed, jumping along to the beat and belting the words like no tomorrow. Almost completely lost in your song, you didn't hear Niall call for you from the front door. He entered the kitchen and couldn't help but sing with you. You yelped, startled, when you heard him, and turned to face the doorway. "Niall!" you shouted, rushing in to his arms. He laughed and held you close, whispering lyrics in your ear. As the song ended, he kissed your cheek. "You're adorable. I love you so much."

Harry: You rinsed the shampoo from your hair and just stood in the shower for a few moments. You sighed as the hot water hit your skin, clearing away the day's stress. Mindlessly, you began to sing, starting quietly and gradually getting louder and louder until you were singing your heart out to the shower walls. "I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you, yeah." you finished the song, adding a quiet little riff to the end. You were silent for a few minutes before you heard the voice of your boyfriend. "Hey, why'd you stop?" You screamed loudly, clutching your violently beating heart. "Harry Styles, why are you sitting in this room while I'm showering? How did you get in here anyway, I should've heard you." He chuckled quietly. "Well," he began. "I was coming up here to join you, but your voice is so lovely. I just couldn't ruin the moment. And you're pretty loud, and I was being sneaky, you know. 'Cause I'm a ninja." You hear his grin. "Anyway, can I join you now?" You rolled your eyes playfully but opened the curtain nonetheless. "Get in here, you."

QOTD: Favorite kind of flowers?

A: Cherry-Blossom 

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