You get your period for the first time and he's the only one home

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You get your period for the first time and he's the only one home

Harry: “HARRY!” you scream from behind the bathroom door and soon hear the footsteps that belong to your big brother. “What, (YN)? You alright?” “Um, i kind of need you to get something for me.” “What?” “Can you get me some tampons?” Even through the crack in the door you could see the color drain in his face. “Harry, you have to, it’s just you and me here and i need them now! Please!” He still did nothing and you shut the door and you leaend against the door. “Please Harry, it’s practically an emergency!” you state and finally you hear him knock on the door again. “You have your phone with you?” “Yeah, why?” He leans his head against the door. “Because i know i’m going to have to call you for help with what exactly i’m supposed to get you.” then his footsteps retreated down the hallway and you snickered. “Thank you Harry!”

Zayn: Laundry day was the worst, especially when you were on your period. You had nothing to change into once you saw that that you had bled through the pad and didn’t have anything clean to put on, so you opened the door a crack and hoped like hell. “MOM?” Zayn’s laughter was loud as he made his way up the stairs. “What do you need, (YN)? It’s just me and you for a while.” You groaned and Zayn instantly became alert. “What’s going on?” “I kind of need a clean pair of underwear Zayn, i bled through.” “Oh.” Zayn says, “Sure, i’ll be right back.” It was a few minutes later that Zayn had a glove on with a pair of your underwear. He tossed them into the bathroom along with the glove. “There you go, all better now?” you giggled. “Thank you Zayn.”

Louis: “Here are some painkillers, here’s your chocolate from the store downtown, here’s some warm tea that you requested, i just put in the Twilight movie for you, here’s your stuffed teddy bear i made for you when i was gone in America, and finally, here’s the remote.” Louis says as you lay on the couch in a curled up ball, wrapped in a blanket, eyes trained on the screen in front of you. “Thank you.” you mumble and Louis laughs. “It’s almost over, luckily i know what i’m doing when it comes to this.” “That’s kind of creepy.” you mutter and Louis shakes it off. “Hey at least i knew what i was doing, i could’ve not known what to do and leave you in a panic hurting mess.” You nod slightly. “Yeah, thankfully that didn’t happen.” Louis sat down next to you. “Luckily your big brother loves you.”

Niall: “What am i supposed to do mom?” Niall paced the house as you sat in the bathroom alone without anything for your period while Niall was on the phone with your mother. “Come on Niall, i can’t stay in here forever!” you shout and soon Niall opens the door. “Mom said she’d be home soon, but to give you these until she got here.” he says handing you some pain killers. She also said get in a warm shower, it might help, and i’m sorry i’m not more of a help, (YN), i really don’t know what i’m doing.” You laugh. “It’s okay Niall, but do we have any chocolate downstairs?” He nodded. “Freshly made chewy brownies with chocolate chips.” Your eyes widened. “They’re all mine, you touch them and you die!”

Liam: “Why did mom and dad have to go on their vacation yesterday?” You groan as you lay in your bed with a heating pad on your lower stomach. You didn’t even have the energy to text your friends and you only had your brother, Liam home to help you. He came in a little while later with some tea and crackers. “I phoned mom and she said that this should help, but i’ve also got some painkillers for you and i asked Eleanor if she could get you some feminine stuff and she said she would so her and Louis will be over later, okay?” You rolled back over so that you could look at Liam. “Sounds fine, but i’m tired and i’m grumpy so will you sing me to sleep so i’m nicer later?” Liam laughed and sat down next to you. “Sure thing.” and with that he began to sing Little Things for you.

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