He compares you to his ex

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He compares you to his ex

Zayn: You return back from your morning jog, eager to just have a shower and go back to sleep or something. But as soon as you walk through the front door, you see all the boys sitting on the couch watching TV. So there goes all the hope of sleeping. "Hiya, boys" you wave, untangle your ipod and kick off your shoes. "Hi, boo" Zayn kisses your forehead and you walk off toward the bedroom. You quickly weighed yourself, satisfied with how much you'd lost. You hate to admit this, but you wanted to be much skinnier. You had a perfect slimming image of Perrie you had to maintain. So you were trying diets and everything, and Zayn was really supportive. You forgot you left your water bottle out the front so you jog back out but stop upon hearing your name escape Harry's lips. "So, how's Y/N's diet going?". "Yeah, it's okay" Zayn says and you smile to yourself, glad you had such a proud boyfriend. "But..." he says and you stop walking, hiding cowardly behind the wall and listening in, "She's just not as skinny as Perrie was, you know? I don't think she'll ever be the way Perrie was. I guess thats what I kind of miss about Perrie, her body". You stood in shock as you listened on. It felt like someone had dropped these massive weights into your stomach. You looked down and felt a million times heavier then you had five seconds ago. You straighten up and walk straight out, watching as the horror crosses Zayn's face. You shove your runners back on and grab your ipod again. "Hey babe, where you going?". "Just think i'll go for another run...ya know, be more like fit like Perrie used to considering you miss her body the most" You snap before wrenching open the door and stepping out into the morning air again, making sure you slammed the door extra hard behind you.

Harry: You were fast asleep on the couch, or at least Harry thought you were. You had blissfully drifted off into that space where your almost asleep, but barley still away. Anyway, you were lying on the couch, your face buried in the pillows Harry had placed there for you. You two had gone to watch a movie but you'd fallen asleep just as Niall had come over. You hear Niall sit down on one of the couches as Harry turned off the movie. "Hey, is she asleep?" Niall asks softly. "Yeah" You hear Harry whisper before you feel his fingers stroking your hair. "So, how are things between you two?" Niall says. "Yeah, it's so great. She's perfect" Harry's voice says gently. You can practically feel him smiling through his voice. "And things in the bedroom are...?". "Yeah, their alright. I guess, if we're comparing to like, Caroline, she's not as experienced as her. I mean, Caroline was good and Y/N is just...lacking talent" You hear Harry chuckle and Niall just laughs along. You scrunch up your face, happy that he can't see your dejected expression right now. "Really?" Niall voice is surprised and Harry just laughs. "Yeah". "Well you know, Harry" You roll over, much to his horror, and prop yourself up on your elbows, "I guess that kind of stuff just comes with age". You flings your legs off his lap and march off to your bedroom. You grab a few pillows and a spare blanket, walking back out and tossing them at him. He looked up at you, confused and regretful. "If you ever want to see me smiling or laughing again, you'll sleep down here tonight"

Niall: (In this case he has already dated Demi) "Niall! Stop..." You groan as Niall tries, yet again, to get you to bed. You had to study, no matter how much he distracted you, you needed to study. "C'mon, Y/N! Just come to bed! You can study tomorrow!" Niall whines and pulls your hands off your books. "Niall! Seriously! Please, I need to study!" "Ugh, come on Y/N! Don't be so uptight about this...Holly wouldn't of been so angry over this" Niall mumbles and sits back against the couch. "Excuse me?!" You slam the lid of your book shut. Niall glances your way, frightened at your random outburst. He'd never evercompared you to his ex, and now he was going to find out why. "Did you—" "No, I was just saying—-" Niall shook his head and pretended to be watching the TV. "Well, don't just say, Niall! I'm trying to study and all your doing is distracting me! But just because I told you to go away once, does that mean you can just distract me and insult me?!" You start stacking up your books. "Y/N, I didn't mean it..." Niall sighed. You ignored him as you picked up all your books and carried them up the stairs to your room. You shut the door loudly and locked it behind you. How dare he compare you to anyone, and then say it straight to your face. You continue your studies, ignoring every time he tried to talk to you.

Liam: You were only a barista at a nearby cafe, so you worked short hours and didn't get much pay. But you didn't really mind since it meant you had more time to spend with your boyfriend of almost two months, Liam Payne. You come home after a relatively short and boring day at work and collapse onto couch, flipping through the TV shows. But you were the kind of person who grew bored easily. You walk into the kitchen where Liam and the boys were. "Hey, babe, we should go out to dinner tonight" You lean against the counter and smile sweetly at him. "Sure" He shrugs, smiling back just as cutely. You clap your hands excitedly and walk off to go lay out your clothes for the night. "Didn't you guys go out to dinner last night?" You hear Zayn ask. You wouldn't of let it phase you and you would've kept walking if it wasn't for Liam said next; "Yes...Ugh! I can't have one day where I can relax!" he groans. You stop in the middle of the hallway, listening in on the conversation. "She's just too bubbly all the time, you know? I mean it's because her job is so boring that she's so bored at home too and tries to get me to go out and stuff. I'm not saying I don't love her, it's just when I was with Danielle, she was always tired out from her job so we would just cuddle and stuff. But Y/N, is so on and energetic all the time! Plus she smells like coffee from working in that stupid place all day" Liam says and you feel yourself break down slowly. So one, he hated your job, two, you were too energetic, and three he was comparing you to Danielle?! His ex?! You forgot all about the first two reasons and focused on the whole 'ex' persuasion. You sprint upstairs and grab your phone, calling your friend and at least she agrees to go out to dinner with you tonight. Happily. You march back downstairs and strut out into the kitchen where the boys are laughing. You don't bother asking why, you just turn to Liam. "Hey, i'm going out tonight with Y/B/F, so you don't have to come" You narrow your eyes at him and put your hands on your hips. "Oh okay, i'll see you when you get back, love" Liam leans in and tries to kiss you goodbye but you push his shoulders away. "Oh no, be careful Li, I still smell like coffee from my boring-ass stupid job" You reply snarly and turn on your heel, stalking off to your bedroom and getting dressed up for finally, a fun night out.

Louis: So there you were, cooking up a literal storm in your kitchen and waiting for Louis to come back from the studio. Lately he'd been under a lot of pressure from work and recording and fans and all, and it was really stressful on him. Sadly, he took the stress out on you. Usually he was the cutest, cuddliest little fluffy bear when he came home. But lately he's been really distant and dismissive. So you figured, cook him his favorite dish and just sit down and watch a movie that night. When he comes home, he says his usual grumpy 'hello' and kisses you on the cheek before going upstairs to change. You dish out the meal, in which both you eat, just like normal. Louis even struck up a conversation between you two whilst you ate. When you'd finished you put the movie and sat next to him on the couch. Halfway through the intensely romantic movie, you curled up closer to his side. He groans and slightly pushes you away. "Please don't, Y/N" He mumbles. Your definitely hurt, but lean back to your side of the couch in silence. Louis's phone rings and he picks it up, walking out of the room to answer it. From the way he's talking to the person, you could tell it was Harry. "Yeah, she's in the other room. But god, I have no idea why, tonight she's being so clingy" Louis was saying softly into the phone. He obviously didn't know you could hear hi, even if he was in the other room."I guess...but El was never as clingy as Y/N. She gave me space and stuff. All Y/N wants to do is cuddle all the time, it's annoying". You curl up on the couch, hugging a pillow to your chest as you fight the tears threatening to pour down your cheeks. You had always thought he was the cuddly one in the relationship. Apparently not. "Yeah okay, thats true...yeah....your right...oh okay bye" Louis hangs up and comes back into the room. You strictly stick to your side of the couch, and then later that night, you when you usually cuddle in bed, you also stick to your side. When Louis tries to drape his arm around your waist you slide away from him and go back to sleep. Teach him to bitch about you to Harry.

QOTD: Future job?

A: Music Therapist or Crime Investigator 

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