Why did i do that???

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I was on YouTube looking at some Hamilton crack videos, then I see a comment. It says it's from Eliza Schyuler, I'm like yeSSsss okayYYyy.

You see, I changed my Google account name to Alexander Hamilton. Because I wanted to and our personalities are  quite similar.

Anyway, the comment Eliza made was saying that her ship was finally sailing, that ship was Lams.


So I'm reading through all of the already made replies which is like 3. And you would not believe WHO I saw.

Fucking John Laurens. I'm Alexander Hamilton I do whatever the frick frack I want let's reply saying how much I've missed John and that I love him.

After a few more comments to each other my dumbass was like, ayyy Chelsea. Let's write one in a letter formatting and send it. So I did. I don't regret it, and the note came out not exactly how Alexander would typically write, but it was good enough.

This is my life now, I don't regret it AT ALL.

-Chelsea 💜

Hamilton Crack Book: All the crack you needDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora