Lets get something straight...er...well gay (my TedTalk)[please read]

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Listen up

Cause this isn't just straight people but it is also people in the LGBTQ+ community

People will ask me what my sexuality is and sometimes I respond if I trust them

I'm poly demi romantic.

And I can tell you like half of you don't know what that is, and that's fine, but let me explain before you start assuming.

Most people have heard of polyamorous which means to be in a relationship with more than 1 person.

That is different from polysexual or polyromantic.

Being poly means you like some genders but not all.

Bi (which has different meanings to some people) means you can like 2 genders, typically boys and girls.

Pan is when you can like people of all genders.

Poly, is that in between.

It means to like 3 or more genders but not all.

Make sense?

Okay, good.

Demisexual/romantic means you have to be extremely close to a person in order for you to develop a crush on them.

That is the case for most people but some people don't experience that.

The difference between romantic and sexual is that with romantic you are mainly interested in a romantic relationship.

It's not the same as being asexual.

Asexual means you don't like the idea of sex at all.

Sexual means that you are also interested in the sexual side of the relationship as well as the romantic side.

I seem like an extremely sexual person, and I can tell you at the moment that I may be possibly interested in sex in the future. But now I enjoy the more romantic ish.

If you put those definitions together you get my sexuality.

Now, a lot of groups in the LGBTQ+ community say that they are the least known. As for some of them they aren't as represented as others.

However, a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community don't even know my sexuality exists.

There is little to no representation.

And if there is it's for polyamorous relationships.

I have no problem with that, but whenever I watch gay tIK toks on youtube there is no representation.

Look it up on google and you will have to search website after website for a full put together definition.

Which is what I had to do to find out what it means.

You don't see the flag a lot or hear people talk about it.

It's just- forgotten in a sense.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

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