meet the author :3

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Hello everyone

I dont think I've been properly introduced yet.

Hi, I'm Chelsea Elizabeth (last name will not be inserted)

I live in Bronx, New York and I'm Jamaican.

I am a 12 year old 8th grader, I'm supposed to be in 7th but apparently I'm smart.

I have severe clinical depression and literally any form of anxiety.

I am gender fluid and demi poly romantic.

I've been single my whole life so- *proceeds to trip and fall on face*

*gets up*

*fixes glasses*

Oh yeah, ummm, I wear prescription glasses. I am far sighted, I rarely wear then at home though.

Let's see, I still need to do my math homework, but I am incredibly tired from going to school 6 days a week.

I've finished one fanfiction, its Janthony, called And They Were Roommates

I do not recommend reading it, cause if the author cant tolerate it, I dont think you will.

My elective at school is drama, I am taking a few of the regions by the end of the year and in a month I'm taking to SHSAT to get into a Specialized High School.

Lmao, yall probably wonder how I write so much when I'm supposed to be studying for all these mother fucking tests and shit.

I dont know either ngl

My best friends irl who have wattpad are


:3 I love you guys

I am incredibly sleep deprived atm.

Suicide isn't looking like such a bad option right now simply because my parents fucking suck and I hate them.

Not hate hate, just an extremely strong dislike.

Normal parents congratulate their children when they manage to stay on fucking Principal Honor Roll the whole year, of the most important year, when they've never studied for a test in their freaking lives.

Nope, if I have a 98 average in a class I just had 100 in it ain't good enough. Nothing is ever fucking good enough.

I spent my entire life believing I was just average when people would constantly congratulate me on my achievements.

At my fucking 5th grade graduation they were giving out awards with checks, I didnt win one and my dad said out loud, "she should've gotten the one with money"

When I got 2 other awards in social studies and some other award, cause i had some of the best grades in the district.

The other day my dad said he only raises perfect children. And my smartass self almost said out loud, "I didnt know perfect children has depression and anxiety"

All my parents ever fucking do is complain about the 4 of us. Did I asked to be sent into this God forsaken world?

No, no I fucking didn't


Well shit, rereading, that got way off topic


If you have an personal questions I guess, send them my way.


Life sucks...

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