LIFE UPDATE (not edited)

40 4 32

Everything is hectic

That's it

I'm taking my last practice shsat test tomorrow

So that's great

On the other hand I have no faith for getting into any Specialized High School

Here is the thing: the shsat goes against practically everything you've ever learned.

Instead of thinking analytically you have to think logically, not using statistics but more of "common sense"

Another thing, this test is on a scale that goes to 800 and if you get something wrong it just doesn't count.

It only counts the questions you get right and the amount you get right.

The cutoff score changes every year depending on what people get and everyone has been doing better than me at my school.

I've given up, I want to go to the Bard in Queens.

I also have my math homework to do.

Speaking of math homework according to TiredAndReady4Death we can do things.

In the beginning of the year my school started a geometry class and too many kids were qualified for the class.

So not only is the class full but a lot of parents want their kids to go even though it starts at 7 am which is 0 period.

So apparently we can watch the videos for the geometry class and then at peer tutoring afterschool we can do the work.

In 8th grade you're required to take Algebra I so then in high school you can take geometry and Algebra II.

If you do geometry in 8th grade though, you don't have to take it or you can be put in an advanced class.

And from there you can take Algebra II in your first maybe second year and then you can move to Calculus and Trigonometry.


We love an educated shister.

(Płēæ§ę ĺøvĕ më)

-Chelsea 🤠 

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