im actually crying

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I'm fucking full on sobbing
Every time I watch the hurts like hell lams animatic this shit happens
It always reminds me that after Laurens died everything started going downhill in Hamiltons life
His affair, the pamphlet, the death of his son
The Hamilton/Burr duel was an act of suicide if you didnt know

Sure Alexander wouldve figured that Burr wouldnt shoot him, but with a person like Burr who keeps all his feelings inside it would be hard to tell

The entire time he was taunting Burr.

The lines, "I watched as he methodically fiddled with the trigger" and "why? If not to take deadly aim," Alexander was taughting Burr.

Historically, Burr wrote Alex a one paragraph essay asking if he was talking shit about him behind his back.

Alexander fired back a 6 paragraph response that was along the lines of,"yeah, and you know what, I've talked so much shit behind your back your gonna have to specify which time"

He was taunting Burr to shoot him the whole time.

It disturbs me greatly that Alexander wanted to die, it was recorded he had depression for obvious reasons, but if the love of his life died what do you think would happen.

He wanted to die and be with Laurens.

Technically, Hamliza is 100% canon but their are several things that may change a persons views.

In A Winters Ball Alexander says, "is it a question of if Burr or which one?"

He didnt care about the Sisters, he was in it for the money and power he could gain from marrying one of these women.

Even Angelica acknowledges it in Satisfied.

"He is after me cause I'm a Schuyler Sister, that elevates his status, I'd have to be naive to set that aside..."

So on and so forth. She knows Eliza was being Naive and she refused to be as well now matter how perfect Alexander seemed.

Maybe along the way he actually fell in love with Eliza, which I hope he did. If not at any point, it would have to be during Its Quiet Uptown

Where he realizes he was being a stupid fuck and literally bags for forgiveness. He realizes he relies on Eliza so they could help each other. He wasnt being s good husband and after Philip died we can only assume he was trying.

So yeah. History has a domino effect that can impact so many lives.

Now you know what I know.

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