can i just get this off my chest

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I used to have like 3 books before that were all crush x readers and they sucked. They were all like less than 100 worded chapters. They were all sexual cause it was based off of personal experience.

I'm 12, yeah I know, not sex, not anything literally sexual, just more inappropriate things happened once of twice in my life. The books were just wat extra versions of what happened.

I used to set a schedule, spam updates then leave for 3 months. I remember the one time I was writing a chapter in advance, a couple of them actually. And I manager to make fluff terrible.

I'm working on it but that's why the beginning of my books start to sexually or intimate. Like a shit ton load of making out rather then the plot going where I planned it to be. Don't look for any of those books btw, I deleted them thank the lord.

With Hamilton I found something I love and it made it easy for me to write. And I know I've said this before in a couple of chapters but the full story is just terrible and I hate myself for it.

So let me know, if you have seen any of my previous books, or even if you haven't, do you think my writing has improved, or is better ad the book goes on? Or should I work on things a lot more?

This is also not edited.

-Chelsea 💛

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