"crush update"

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I'm watching everyone get into relationships, my closest friends, some of them have exes and I'm like-

No one has ever had a crush on me ;-;

Lucky mother fuckers

At this point I dont want my crush to like me I just want to be over them and skip all the trauma cause when I fall I fall way too hard for my own good

I fucking hate this

I dont even want a date to prom at this point, all my friends can get actual dates and I'll just stay by myself near the punch bowl, just be happy without me

Just be happy and I'll be fine, have a good time at your prom cause there is a 0% chance I'm getting asked to 8th grade prom meanwhile all my friends are good looking and have a dateable personality

I'm over here all ugly, loud, obnoxious, and although I have friends I don't think any of then genuinely like me

Some of my friends I can almost guarantee they'll have dates

And I know

"But its middle school, everything is toxic, you're young!"

That didnt stop anyone before ngl

The closest thing I've had from a "crush" liking me was when he was dating my best friend and winked at me in 1st grade

I have a fuck boi problem

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