back to the tagz

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It's been some time since I've done a tag. This has not been edited

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1) Turquoise

2) whoevenfuckingcares9

3) whoevenfuckingcares9

4) yes, 3 brothers

5) like 2 years ago whoevenfuckingcares9 was ignoring me and reading fanfics so I was like okay fine lemme look up a fanfiction for this fandom I'm in (little mix) and I was like jskskdmdmkzkdkd yES so I made an account on the wattpad website my accident cause it wouldnt let me do shit unless I made one.

A year later I found out about the app and was like yeah that was easier. I have at least 5 other accounts.

The first account I had I deleted, the other ones I typed the password in wrong =/

And I was like wait what if I get into another fandom, (which I did, Hamilton) hence a name cause it applies to any fandom

6) pop and musicals, sometimes rap

7) Hamilton, ITH, Beetlejuice, Heather's, BMC, Mean Girls, 21 Chump Street (I've listened to more musicals then that don't worry)

UMMMM, that's it I guess

8) Here we go:


If I didn't tag you I'm sorry I'm really fucking lazy and I'm following so many fucking accounts I forgot your name and I cant find iT

9) Blindspotting

10) action, romance, comedy

Another tag:

Another tag:

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1) yes

2) no she is straight

3) E l I z a b E t h

4) aLl tHe sInGLe

6) this guy named Alex

7) lams

8) slurp_idontevenknow

9) For The Record from 36 Questions

10) 58%

11) its fanart I refuse to screenshot cause I've sown it a lot of times and I'm lazy

12) we've been over this

13) January 22 (that's right mother fuckers, same day as Philip)

Anyone I tagged in this has been tagged.

Thank to AlexxHamilton and Quill1776 for tagging me :3

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