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I cannot fucking wait for the In The Heights movie to come out. Which is June 26th of 2020, which will be my last day of middle school ever.

SO likE.

Also fjdkdjjrkaksk

I drew something fucking decent for once

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I drew something fucking decent for once. Ignore the neck, idk where I was going with that.

I'm not sure if I said this before but some of you may have noticed I have a sort of schedule thing for when I'm on and off of wattpad.

That's because I'm not supposed to have wattpad anymore, but I do the stuff I need to do when I can sneak it.

It's not fun, but it's worth it. So I'm not always online and when I do some on I do everything I can, like writing chapter ideas and bits of pieces of chapters when I can. Anyway, love you

-Chelsea 💜

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